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When did you start to notice that you had feelings for Ellie?

That's a sappy question. You're gonna make me sound like such a girl. You mean like romantic feelings and not like I just wanted to kiss her because I definitely wanted to kiss her after our first conversation. But romantic feelings? Probably at that party at the guy Dylan's house. The thought of someone hurting Ellie just made me realise that it was more than just wanting to kiss her.

I sound like such a girl.

What's your story? Why are you a bad boy?

Why am I a bad boy? What kind of question even is that? First I sound like a sap. Now you're gonna just make me sound like an idiot. I don't know why I'm a 'bad boy'. What kind of term even is that? There was no defining moment where I decided 'Okay I'm going to be a 'bad boy''. I grew into it, it just sort of happened as I grew up. I had to mind Lucy a lot when she was born so I guess my behaviour was some sort of escape from all that responsibility. Not that I minded it. I love my Lucy and I would do anything for my mom.


Why don't you date? I mean you're hot and all...

Well thank you. Well I don't date because I haven't found a girl that I want to date yet. As soon as I find a girl that I want to date, I will but there's no reason why I don't other than I don't want to. It's not because I'm hung up on anyone, it's just because I haven't found anyone that I want to date yet.


You are the kinda popular perfect guy that every girl wants yet you don't date. Are you really a player? Or is It just the wish?

I do date. I've had plenty of girlfriends in the past. That doesn't really help my case but it's true. I'm not a player, well I don't think I am. I have had girlfriends but during the wish I just didnt. I have a girlfriend now though, I'm dating Crystal. Who knows how long that'll last though. It's Crystal.


Shauna! What's your story? How did you meet Ellie?

I met Ellie on our first day of highschool. The first thing I thought was that I really wanted to change her clothes into something that would make her natural beauty stand out but I didn't say it to her. I never mentioned anything about wanting to give her a makeover till the wish. I guess I just didn't want to hurt her feelings. I mean, I love Ellie, she's like my best friend. She's been there for me through everything. All the heart ache and flings. She's been there to listen to all of my rants.

Anyway, on the first day of school, the only reason I noticed Ellie was because I wanted to change her clothes. Then I got moved beside her in class and she was engrossed in this film that we were watching that I'd seen before so after class I asked her if she liked it and she just started babbling away about it. Then she stopped, all embarassed because she had just been raving about the movie and from there we just started talking. I guess after that we just kept talking to each other. She wasn't really social so while I made a bunch of friends, Ellie was just there at the sidelines. I never let that come between our friendship though. Ellie will always be my best friend.


How did you fall in love with Luke?

Okay, how do you not fall in love with Luke? I mean have you seen him? I used to think Jordan was perfect but his personality ruined that. That was when I realised just how much better looking Luke is. It's not just his looks though, I mean he's gorgeous but I'm not that shallow. I guess I fell in love with Luke because he's just makes me happy. I know that no matter what I could go to Luke and he would make everything better. He always manages to make me smile and laugh. He's spontaneous and I usually hate surprises but Luke is an exception. He just pushes me out of my comfort zone and I actually love it. Not to mention he can be so cute and sweet and thoughful and amazing.

He's not perfect though that's for sure. He makes me so freaking mad sometimes and I honestly surprised that we haven't killed each other already when we were fighting. But as completely aggrivating as Luke can be, I love him.

I'm not sure exactly when I fell in love with Luke. It happened over time and it wasn't until I thought that I lost him that I realised just how much I felt for him.

A/N: So here's the Q&A! I hope you're satisfied with the answers. If you have anymore questions just comment or message me and I'll update the chapter with them answered.

I'm going to start Played soon so that first chapter should be up before the weekend.

Thanks for all your support!

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