Chapter 16 - Something Cutesy

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Edited by punkashellcat

"Ellie! There's an actual person at the door for you!" Adam shouted up the stairs, with an annoying brotherly ring to his voice. I understood why he said that though. Who would actually come to the house for me? It would have to be someone other than Shauna because he would have just sent her up and if it was Zach then he wouldn't be here for looking for me. He would be here for Adam and then see me coincidently. I guess Luke was a friend now but he wouldn't come knocking on my door to see me.

Shrugging my curiosity off, I fixed my hair in the mirror and ran down the stairs. Unfortunately I had no shoes on and as soon as my socks hit the wooden floors, I slipped. You know when you can see yourself falling, you know you're going to and you start to panic. There's this tug on your stomach and your chest tightens as your eyes go wide. Your eyes squeeze shut and all your muscles tighten as they brace for the impact while your stomach clenches, flipping with the knowledge that you're going down. And all of this happens in just a few seconds so you're hardly able to comprehend the idea but basically you're know you're falling.

So I found myself slipping across the floor in my white, cotton ankle socks and falling on my butt right beside Adam and the open door. It was while I was groaning on the floor over my sore butt that I found out who was at the door for me.

"Oh. Uh, hey Jordan," I greeted, my face bright red, my smile forced and my voice quivering.

This was about as embarrassing as the first time I talked with Jordan. Yay.

The worst part was that I didn't even just fall from the bottom of the stairs. No no no. I slid from the stairs all the way over to the door, not able to get a grip on the floor with my socks. Then I fell. Because why wouldn't the universe want to embarrass me in front of Jordan, my long-time crush who had finally begun to notice me, again?

"Hey E," Jordan replied, a smile clearly being suppressed and a laugh being held back in his words. I couldn't blame him because if it weren't for the embarrassment churning in my stomach and my heart almost stopping at the fright of falling I would be clutched over laughing at myself. Kind of like Adam was now.

"You're such an idiot," Adam choked out through his laughter. He didn't mean it in a mean way but it made my cheeks go yet another shade darker. "Oh wow Ellie. Just wow. How did you even make it all the way over here from the stairs? Only you Ellie, gosh." Adam breathed as he controlled his laughter, shaking his head at me.

"Now why are you here for my sister?" Adam asked, sobering up completely as he looked at Jordan, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring down at him. He suddenly switched to protective older brother mode which was my queue to scrambled off the ground and intervene.

"This," Jordan stated simply but I didn't see what he was showing Adam because I was pulling on a pair of shoes. Although judging by Adam's sniggering, it was going to be funny to watch.

"You know what? Good luck man," Adam chuckled, giving Jordan one of those short boy nods and walking back into the living room to lounge on the couch.

Closing the door behind me, I grinned at Jordan.

Then I saw what he was holding behind his back and Adam's reaction had been perfect. Adam knew me so well.

That's why he laughed when he saw the skateboard. My co-ordination and balance were severely lacking. As amazingly displayed two minutes ago.

"I take it you've never skateboarded before?" Jordan asked with that perfect grin that made his eyes sparkle. Oh those perfect brown eyes.

I shook my head, looking at the board with wide eyes and my forehead creased with worry. "Well E, it's your lucky day because I'm going to teach you."

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