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"Brother!" My eyes went wide when Thor gave Loki a bear hug and I giggled a little bit. 

"Hey (Y/N) focus." Toney clicked in front of my face. 

"Right, right." 

"Opening attack, the one with the water." I gave toney a really face.

"All of my attacks are with water." I sighed out stepping forward and raising my hands. My clothes changed into something more appropriate.

 My clothes changed into something more appropriate

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Water started coming up from behind me along with multiple versions of myself floating in the air covering the surrounding area to make a barrier. 

"Cap I'll need to borrow the hammer," I spoke stepping in front of him as a roar from the incoming army echoed the surrounding field.  "Don't worry I'll give it back." Not looking away from the water spreading out along the front of the field some water droplets rose into the sky above the incoming army. Cap passing the hammer making lightning spark around my hand. One quick slam down and a large lightning bolt came down electrifying both the water droplets in the air and along the ground killing over 300 of the enemy although it didn't scratch the surface this also made a shield around the perimeter. "The electric fence will last an hour tops. Here's the...." I stopped my sentence when I was spun around being kissed on the lips. 

"Oh, I have missed you." I stopped myself from crying because it really wasn't the time.

"You don't get to say that, it was five minutes for you." 

"This really isn't the time," Strange said and I pulled myself away from Loki making my hands glow orange. "Wong, did you really teach her the mystic arts?" I grinned forming a platform for me to stand on.

"She's very persuasive."  

"AVENGERS, assemble." Battle cries could be heard from both sides. The platform I made went higher in the air as I aimed pointed water towards one of the flying Chitauri caterpillar things and they went flying through the air. It wasn't dead so teleporting myself closer I ready and aimed.

"Come on just a little closer.... and bam." two circles came in front of my hands and shot an explosive into the mouth of the beast. It fell to the ground and I went on. 

"(Y/N) can you destroy one of the ships?" Cap said into the com and I looked up before being shot at, dodging and killing the Chitauri I sighed.

"Not at the moment, I'll be killed before getting time to finish casting a spell." Landing on the ground smashing away the Chitauri near me I borrowed Thor's axe to electrify a long line of them.

"No hey hey give it back." I smiled tossing it over. 

"Does anyone else see this." Turning I spotted a massive wave of water about to flood the area. When teleporting over strange was already there holding it back but for some which I held up. 

"I can hold this up," Stange said but I rolled my eyes. 

"I don't want to change the future into something no one wants. It's best if I stay here." I said raising another hand to hold up the water smoothly.

"If you're only looking at one of the possibilities." My eyes went wide and I turned to strange. "You being here has changed a lot, you can change starks future with the spells you've learnt." I bit my lip thinking it over.

"I can enhance a spell with the soul stone but if I get it wrong..." 

"Than he'll die but you have a chance to change that."Letting out a shaky breath we both watched as Captain Marvel destroyed the ship. "It's almost time." He said and I stopped the spell. Strange gave the signal to Toney and I made my way over to Thanos killing Chitauri along the way. 

"And I am Iron man." With a click of his fingers, they all started to disappear. I panted walking over towards Toney as Thanos faded away. 

"Toney." I breathed helping him to the ground. " I'm gonna need you to take off the suit." I tied up my hair quickly as he did so and grabbed the soul stone. I heard Rodey and Peter from behind me. 

"(Y/N) what are you doing?" I didn't look away from Toney knowing there wasn't enough time to talk. "What are you doing with that stone." He was getting angry and aimed his guns at me.

"Do you want him to live or not?" I almost shouted at him and Pepper came up next to me. I whispered out a spell and an orange glow surrounded the wounded parts of Toney's body including his arm heart and head. 

"Is he going to be alright?" Pepper choked out and I lightly nodded my head as my eyes began to glow. I brought the stone closer to his body and he jolted. 

"Someone remove the stones from his arm," I said lightly and Steve took them. Taking a few deep breaths his body began to heal. "Come on Stark.." I mumbled to myself and he let out a gasp sitting forward. 

"Holy crap what's in that thing? I feel like I'm twenty again." pepper laughed with tears streaming down her face. I tried stepping away but Toney grabbed my arm.
"Thank you." I smiled and nodded standing up handing over the stone.

"That spell was ancient magic how did you..." I showed Thor my original spell book smiling to myself.

"This book has everything in it including spells for infinity stones. The Only Risk is not being able to practice beforehand." I smiled spotting Loki coming over with a few scrapes here and there.

"Was the five years a total loss without me?" He asked taking a few stray hairs the fell out of the hair tie and behind my ear.

"Well, not a total loss I'm now a multi-millionaire living in a mansion, the godparent of Toneys daughter and master of this Earth's mystic arts," Loki smirked going down to kiss me making me hum out.

"Why am I not surprised?" I giggled wrapping my arms around him finally feeling safe again.

"Because I'm the Goddess of wisdom."

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