Two can play that game

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Ronny pov- Kendra been ignoring my calls and I'm even blocked on her instagram. I sat in my office and thought to myself maybe she just trying to wait to shit blow over . As I'm scrolling down Instagram I received anonymous text from a private number. When I clicked the picture message it was Kendra and her ex booed up at the Huston game.I couldn't help but think about murder.

Oooooo that BITCH lucky she the mother of my child or I would of had her ass offed by now. As I'm staring at the picture my dawg keno walked in .

Keno-what's wrong bro

Ronny-man I just received a text message of a picture of Kendra booed up with her ex at a game.

Keno-mane fuck that dirty bitch I told you not to marry her young ass two can play that game

I looked up at keno he was right two can play that game . I smiled at my dawg

Ronny-Load the Jet we going to Huston tonight dawg


Kendra pov-I woke up to a peaceful quiet room. I realized I was at Kennan house .after the game it was late and I didn't want to bother Mimi so I decided to come back Kennan house and spend a night . As I'm laying in his bed I decided to get a little more comfortable I switched into one of Keenan shirts and laid down . Kennan came back into his room shirtless looking fine asf . He had a six pack and a couple tats on his body . As he walked into the room he gave me a look and a look i knew what time it was ..... it's about to go down . Keenan climbed on top of me and we began kissing he slowly eased the shirt I was wearing off leaving my tittys showing after tongue kissing me passionately Kennan kissed me all the way down to my pussy and started passionately eating my pussy. It felt so fucking good he took his time and worked his tongue on my clit I moaned softly almost letting out real tears. After he was finished he came back up leaving my legs shaking and started tongue kissing me I looked into his eyes giving him the approval I wanted the dick. He slowly inserted and stroked in out while still kissing me . After 20 minutes of making love Kennan and I came together and started cuddling. He played in my hair and rubbed my back making me feel secured.

Kennan- Damn I missed you and that fire ass pussy

Kendra- Boahhh shut up but I did miss that good ass dick you got my pussy pounding

Kennan- I know you did  but on a serious note Ken I love you baby girl I'm not trying to loose you again

I didn't say nothing I just laid in Kennan arms thinking where did I go wrong and how can I fix things. Next thing I know we both dozed off together.

Boom Boom Boom !!!!!!!!!

Mimi pov-who the fuck at my door this time of nightttttt I said in a irritated tone . I grabbed my 9 miler meter just in case I had to body a bitch . I looked the hole and almost shitted my pantys when I saw who it was . Kendra my girl but ion know if I can save her from this one . How the fuck did they know where we was staying????

Ronny - open the door mimi I know wassup I just come to talk

Without hesitation I open the door . Heyyyy big homie what you doing in town

Ronny-Save that shit mimi you know why I'm here I'm not leaving untill Kendra show up to this bitch and she gotta face me .

The Next morning.............

Kendra- I woke up with the biggest smile on my face I heard Kennan cooking in the kitchen and decided to see what he making . As I walked in he looked up at me smiling

Kennan- Goodmoring Beautiful How you sleep

Wellllll I sleep good asf thanks to you I said walking up to him giving him a big ass kiss he grabbed my ass before going back to cooking eggs.

Kennan- I'm making your favorite French toast eggs and cheese and sausages and cheese grits.

Kendra-MMMMMMM!!!!! Thank you Kennan

Kennan-Anything for my Queen

After finishing breakfast and getting some more good ass dick in the shower Kennan dropped me off at home but I noticed a unfamiliar car in the driveway I shrugged it off thinking maybe mimi got some new dick or something. As I walked into the house my heart jumped out my chest . It was Ronny and I knew why he was here he was sitting on the couch with a loaded gun .

Ronny - come sit next to me I just wanna talk

Kendra- wtf you doing here

Ronny-you know why I'm here Kendra i knew you was cheating on me You dirty ass bitch . Look I already signed the divorce papers and forged your signature so shit is final I just came here to warn you that I'm coming for our baby girl you unstable ass bitch

Before Ronny left out the house he pistol slap my ass to the floor and left . Mimi came running to see if I was ok

Mimi - I'm so sorry Ken I didn't tell him nothing ion even know how he found us

It's cool I said spitting out a little blood Ronny hit like a lil bitch so I wasn't tripping.

Kendra-I know who told but honestly idc Mimi I'm free now from his dirty ass.

Ronny- if Kendra think this shit is over she got another thing coming I already got a hit out on her little boyfriend . I decided to put it behind me for now and since I was in Texas I decided to go visit the real woman who held me down through all these years .  Stay tuned shit about to get ugly before it get sweet

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