say what??

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Kendra pov- Things have been getting out of hand lately. Every place I go I start to feel like Ronny is watching. I met up with Keenan at the movies and when I got home Ronny yelled at me almost hitting me. This is not the man I fell in love with a couple of months ago. I got out of bed and didn't feel good today I kept throwing up and everything I eat won't stay down.I decided to call my big cousin Stacy she's the only one I can trust right now besides mimi. *Ringgggggg* *ringgggggg* *Ringgggggg*

Stacy- hey baby cousin im sorry I was cleaning wassup

Kendra- I'm scared Stacy I'm coming over and don't call this phone call the other phone byeee.

After hanging up with Stacy I called Mimi and told her to meet me at Stacy house. Mimi and Stacy are good ass friends so I know Stacy didn't mind her coming I didn't take the g wagon Ronny brought I took my 2015 Chrysler 200 the car I brought making my own money. I grabbed about 3 pregnancy tests I made sure they wasn't cheap and got the one where the results can pop up on my phone.i did 80 in a 55 mile zone to Stacy house when I pulled up Mimi was already parked see thats why I fucks with her she always there when I need her.

Stacy- OMG girl are you ok what's the emgercy

Kendra-sighs I need both of y'all to sit down

Mimi- bitch if it's Ronny I'll fuck him up right now see this gun two shoots can go in his ass

Stacy- let me grab my shit

Kendra-noooo sit y'all ass down and let me talk

Mimi and Stacy looked at each other-okkk

Kendra-sighs ok I called y'all here because some crazy shit has been going on. The phone Ronny brought me is bugged because one day while I was getting texts his phone was lighting up I happened to look and seen my whole conversation call logs and all. Then I been haven't been feeling good and the night I had sex with Ronny he didn't wear a condom and nutted inside of me so I might be pregnant. By the time I said this Stacy and Mimi was in tears they took me into a big which was comforting I sighed and begin reaching into my purse here's the testes I haven't took them yet I wanted to take them around y'all because I need y'all right now.

Stacy- *ok lets think Kendra since you got these tests that Bluetooth to your phone we going to get put your phone over here so you be to afraid Mimi take her in that bathroom I got a call to make.

With that being said I went in with mimi after peeing on all 3 tests we waited. the box said I will know in 20 minutes I cried in mimi arms as we both sat on the floor and cried together. What if I am pregnant Mimi Im not ready yet to be somebodys mother *sniffle*

Mimi- even if you are don't forget you have me and the gang behind you I know your mother with be down for you even if things go bad I'm here I have a whole big ass house my momma treat you like her daughter just know Kendra you good dry them tears and get ready.

Kendra- thanks sis I love you and you really helped me calm down

Mimi-its cool you good kendra through whatever I'm riding for you

Just as soon as she said that my phone went ding three times I started shaking as I walked out with Mimi behind me. I picked up the phone and sure enough there it was all 3 tests was positive. I took it all in and smiled at mimi I'm going to be a Mommy and honestly ready or not here my mini me coming​.

Mimi-omg I'm going to be a aunt!!! Yesss it gotta be a girl Kendra

Kendra-you know it bitch I don't want to go home to Ronny

Mimi- don't worry about it Ken leave your car here we going to my mom's tonight

Kendra- she always been there for me and she always have the best advice and your dad to he's one of my favorites.

Stacy pov- I knew this day was going to come I just knew it I couldn't face seeing my little cousin 17 pregnant by a grown ass 25 year old man.I called up my cousin took to load the choppas and be on standby. Ronny just got out of prison two years ago on a domestic violence charge and a drug charge. I let Ronny live with me when he got out then he met Ebony's mom used her to get on his feet and now he can't be stopped. But I know a person who can put him out his misery it just may be time to make that call....

Kendra pov- After having a long talk with Mimi Mom and her daddy I felt a whole lot better they gave me some wise tips and told me I didn't have anything to worry about they would help and support me. After dinner I got dressed into my pajamas we went into the movie room and watched a big family movie I was tired so I fell asleep on Mimis mom while she played in my hair and Mimi fell asleep on her daddy it felt nice to be with a family. My dad's in prison on a drug charge doing life and my mom's is never home. Growing up I didn't have nobody but myself to look after. I don't blame nobody for my actions though I just accepted them and move on.

Ronny pov- After a long day at the trap I came home to a empty house. My blood started boiling she supposed to have my dinner and bath ready but instead she probably out there being a hoe I noticed she left the phone I brought her I slammed my keys down and yelled I decided to get in my car and go.look for her she wanted to be grown fucking with me now she going to have to deal with me .

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