Chapter 18

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"Mikey there aren't any self help books here, especially when you don't even know what you
need help with."

Mikey glares at him as he jumps up grabbing a book from a higher shelf. Not only does one book collide with his face, two others hit the floor.

"Shhh!" The librarian shushes Mikey for the 3rd time, giving them a curious glance before straightening his glasses.

Mikey whispers the word sorry as Kai attempts not to laugh at the uptight librarian, someone needed some dick.

Mikey walked over towards the kids section.
The boy smiles sitting on the rainbow carpet and pulling out a children's story.

"There's a wocket in my pocket." Mikey starts. Kai laughs as he sits next to his friend.

"Check this out, Magic Tree House!"Kai points at the stack of small chapter books.

"Fifty shades of grey!" Mikey exclaims, a shit eating grin playing on his face.

Kai looks immediately, sighing  in relief as he sees chicka chicka boom boom in Mikey's hand.

For about an hour the boys are lost in the adventures from their childhood stories. In this blissful moment, nothing was happening at home. The confusion, guilt, and sadness faded. Nostalgia and joy took the place. They would each use a funny character voice, which were a little loud. But, they think the librarian had somewhere important to be so they were left alone.

Suddenly, a crash of thunder cracks outside, startling the boys. They hear the drops of rain hit the roof. Mikey makes a goofy face, swiping on his signature mischievous grin before pulling out another book.

"Having fun?"He asks, as Kai flips through the pages of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Kai cocks his brow. "Is this a date?" He asks, kinda smooth.

Mikey's eyes widen looking Kai straight in his eyes, taking in his dark curls cascading over his forehead.

His throat turns to sand paper. "Do you want it to be?" He swallowed. Thunder pounds making the rain patter heavier against the window.

Kai looks away with uncertainty a little agitated that Mikey was playing games with him. Just another little "well meaning" prank that ends in Kai getting hurt.

Mikey noticed Kai's face moving away and he knew this was his chance.

The blonde swiftly catches his chin in his hands placing them gingerly on the sides of Kai's face. They took a short moment to stare at each other. Kai's breath hitches in his throat, his cheeks were burning.

Mikey closes the space between their faces and encapsulates the dark haired boy in a kiss, but this kiss was different than the others.

This one didn't make him feel sweet and giddy. This kiss was the kiss that defined all kisses ever. Mikey casually ran his fingers through Kai's hair as the kiss intensified. They were both beginning to breath heavily. Mikey pulls away for a second to look at Kai to be sure this was fine.

Kai looks longingly, pulling him back to his lips. He was still unsure if this was real and happening. He wasn't complaining, Kai pulls Mikey even closer causing him to make a muffled noise in surprise. Kai pulls the boy to his lap and their lips lock till they were swollen.

"I like you so so much." The blonde whispers desperately against the neck of the older boy. Kai bites his lip and shivers from just hearing the sweet quiver in Mikey's voice.

They couldn't get enough of each other. They were both living on their own paradise island.

Kai felt a clash of all his emotions at once. He never thought this would be happening. His eyes brim with shock and disbelief and they posed the question, what next?

Kai pulls away as the green eyed boy stares at him in disbelief over what just happened.

He feels these emotions rush through him. Kai needed to sort them out.

"I have to go."

"But the rain!"

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