Chapter 17

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Kai was sprawled out on the couch eating a box of wheat thins. He had remained there since yesterday and had fallen asleep as well. Mikey didn't come home last night either causing Kai's mind to run rampant. He assumed he was with Avery.

Probably doing who knows what. The dark haired boy fingered his curl and pulled on his black hood to be more of the creeper he was.

Mikey probably thought Kai was some sexual deviant who made advances on everyone while sloppily drunk.

Kai groans pulling the strings of the hoodie to cover his face flopping on the couch like a whale.

The door opens and Mikey enters WITHOUT slushees.

Mikey must hate him more than he thought.

What if he wanted to move out?

"Hey Kai..." Mikey said with an awkward pause.

"I wanted to ask you if you maybe wanted to-"

HES ASKING ME TO MOVE OUT, Kai undid the hood to expose his flushed face and tornado struck hair. He did not want that to happen at all. He could do better, he thought.

"No, I don't want to and I hope you don't either." Kai says quickly studying the blondes face and green eyes which seemed to drop with disappointment.

"Forget it." Mikey got up, anger lacing his tone.

Mikey was trying he really was, Kai just didn't want him the same way and it stung.


If this is how Kai was going to be than he had nothing to lose. He might as well put it all on the line.

The blonde pivots around storming back into the living room.

Kai glances up in surprise. "Here to make a compromise?"

"Compromise? What do you mean? You really can't comprise something like this."
Mikey toys with his pant loop.

"I just don't want our friendship to fall apart cause of my stupidity." Kai says, sincerity burning in his dark mocha eyes.

Mikeys breath hitches as he steps over and sits down on the couch.

"I don't care, it's what I want." Mikey studies Kai for a moment leaning in slightly.

"You don't care?!" Kai's demeanor changes. Normally he was chill, but at this moment he was shattered.

Mikey closed his eyes and sighed. "I made a decision for myself for once and it's of course not what you want, I understand. Come with me, to the library." He smiles offering peace.

Right then Kai realized that Mikey was probably just a little upset with him from when he hopped over the bro boundary multiple times to kiss him. Maybe they could work their friendship out. He meant way to much.

Kai's brows knit. "Sure, but why the library?" The boy had calmed down.

"I need a self help book."

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