Chapter 2

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Mikey was attempting to skip several stones by the ocean but every time he found a rock, pebble, or shell he just chucked it and measured how big the splash was.

His mind screamed at him to actually sit down and think, but his headache begged to differ.

Last night was a blur.

He didn't know wether he should refer to the event as a prank gone wrong or a prank gone....chillingly right.

He shivers thinking about what happened in the tent. After he told Kai it was just a prank his friend was surprisingly calm.

Anyone would've thought that it would make him mad but all he said was, "I figured bro, I just wanted to teach you a lesson on what good pranks are. Those kind of jokes can have consequences." With a wink he left and went to his tent. He didn't even stutter.

That's where things get blurry for Mikey. He woke up 3 different times, 1:00, 3:30, and 5:00 AM and ended up taking lone walks up and down the beach. He couldn't even remember what he was thinking about yet the boy hadn't bothered with drugs or alcohol the day before. He walked past Kai's tent so many times he felt like a creeper so he sprinted into the freaking ocean like a spaz.

As far as he knew nobody else was aware of what had happened. That made him nervous, but he would never share that. What made him the most nervous was himself and what was to come.

When they kissed, it was euphoric.

Mikey liked it a lot.

He liked it so much, in fact, he wanted to do it again last night but that would be creepy, plus they're best friends. Besides, Kai only did it to be a smart ass and teach him a lesson.

Lesson painfully retained.

He wondered to himself, was Kai even into boys? They certainly never talked about girls or boys unless it was which Mario kart character they were playing as.

The real question was, if Mikey himself was into boys?

The bright eyed boy threw a flat pebble and it skipped 3 times across the water before drowning. Punching the air in celebration he saw that as a message.

Maybe he was into boys. The thought alone made him hot and sweaty.

Anyhow, he was going to find out one way or another. He'd never really been interested in anyone in particular before. He'd never really had the time growing up to focus on relationships, he just made friends and played games. Mikey lived a one dimensional existence without much depth. He made friends, was nice to people, worked hard, but steered clear of feelings. Pranks were his way of adding a new dimension of laughter and shock to his mundane predictable life.

Kai has never expressed interest in anyone, from what Mikey knew about his best friend. He couldn't believe that as best friends they didn't even know each other's sexuality. Not that it mattered of course.

Mikey didn't seem to know his own either, obviously. The blonde boy was so close to ripping out his hair. Instead he kicks the sand and pain shoots through his food. He jumps up and down after kicking a tough spot.

"Woah, easy there M ki ki." Miri says walking over to him with Cicely following closely.

"M ki ki?" Mikey asks questioning the annoying nickname.

"Mm kinda cringe." Cicely smirks.

"It's your drag name." Miri states causing Cicely to giggle. She pauses noticing the forlorn look in Mikey's face.

"You okay?" Cicely asks with concern putting a comforting hand on his shoulder, guiding the boy to sit down.

"How does sand hurt?!" He groans. The girls exchange glances.

"You kicked it, stop moping. Unless there's something else bugging you?" Cicely raises a dark thick brow. The boy continued to pout bringing his knees to his chest doodling in the sand.

"I would think being on a pretty island near the sea, on a break from college that you would be in a better mood." Miri notes. "Also, considering that prank you pulled last night."

Mikey perks up and his ears go red then he resorts to putting is head down further. The girls both look at him in confusion.

"Didn't you have an idea to prank Kai last night?" Cicely asks. "Revenge for making you vacuum the glitter!"

Mikey lets out a mumbled yes.

"How did it go?" She pushes.

"It was fine!" Mikey says with a little too much force.

"Mikey?" Cicely softens her voice.

"Mikey you can talk to us, you know full well we don't judge." Miri finishes.

The boy lifts his head and began to draw in the sand, literally carving NO into the ground.

The girls simultaneously get up, baiting.
"Alright, if you say so." Cicely pats his shoulder.

After 5 seconds of the girls walking away his eyes widened. "Where are you going?!" Mikey cries pouting his lips.

"There he is! Spill it." Cicely plops back down. There was silence until Mikey explodes.

"THE PRANK WENT WRONG! The original plan was for me to fake confess my feelings for him and then laugh about the reaction. But, the reaction wasn't what I planned because...he kissed me and I think I liked it.." he heavily rushes the last nine words. The redness was brimming from his face to his ears and hugs his legs even closer.

The girls look at each other. Cicely gives Miri a threatening look mouthing don't you dare. Miri gives her a pout motioning to their sexuality confused friend with her sea foam eyes.

"Listen Mikey, we understand what you're dealing with and you know we don't judge so I have an ide-" Miri starts.

"So you were into it?" Cicely interrupts. Miri shoots her a dirty look.

"I don't know." He says squirming as he scratches the back of his head.

"Well, the only way to know is to test the theory." Miri speaks up. Cicely doesn't even hide her displeasure.

"What theory?" Mikey asks raising his head.

"I offer you myself." She opens her arms.

Mikey crinkles his brows momentarily stumped.

"That's nonsense." Cicely deadpans as she fingers the the bridge of her nose.

"It's not nonsense, and Cice remember, my body, my choices." Miri says before she turns to Mikey.

"I offer my self as a tester. You are obviously very sexually confused at the moment so why not test the waters. We're friends and I'm pretty into sex. I can help. Meet me tonight, 8:00, my tent." Miri informed.

Mikey wasn't quite sure how he felt about this idea but he was softly considering it.

"Alright, give me time to think about it" He shrugs.

"If he says yes, then I'm coming too!" Cicely demands crossing her arms.

"Three times the fun." Miri smirks.

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