Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"No. He's my...boyfriend." You felt your heart flutter to life at those words. It was just so confusing. Why couldn't you deny him?

Maybe you should give him a chance? After all he seem to care...a lot about you.

Seth set down next to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "I'm happy for you (name). At least you found someone that loves probably as much as I do. If he breaks your heart...then don't worry I'll be right here. In fact if you weren't my sister I'd-"

"Don't even finish that sentence."

He chuckled a little, moving a stray piece of hair out of your face and kissed your cheek. "I love you lil sis."

You nudged him a little and smirked. "Yeah, me too. But since when did you get so mushy?"

"You are in the prime of your youth! And how can I not say that to such a pretty face?"

"You spent half your adolescent years glaring at me, and denying my existence."

He looked over at the wall as if reminiscing the time. "Ahh yes the emo years. Its seems like only yesterday I was brooding over some depressing matter."

"Yeah but you're an old man now and have learned the error of your ways."

"I am not old. I am still youthful. I mean just look at me." He smirked...swishing his hair around in slow motion with sparkles shining and the whole background changing into a sunset.

"Still modest as ever I see."

"Of course. What do expect of a novelist?"

"I expect you to write...novels, not smut."

"Ahh but (name) you can learn from my characters. Especially since you need work in the commitment department."

"Commitment? What would you know of commitment?"

He turns away from you anime tears spilling. "I mean really how could you do this me? You make it sound like I'm the criminal here."

"Just when we start to have a decent conversation you start babbling nonsense."

"You're so cruel surely you have been leading me on this entire time. Cheating on me with a younger man. I thought you loved me, I see it was all lies." He bowed his head and gave a look as if he was in deep turmoil with his emotions.

"...You are a sick, troubled man do you know that? I mean really I'm your sister!"

"Yes a very beautiful, delicious-looking little sister indeed. What I wouldn't give to have you over and over and over-"

You slapped a hand over his mouth to stop him. Seth was really an incestous idiot.

"You know what I'm tired. Would mind reading me a story? Like...grandma used to do...? I don't think I'll be able to go asleep without it. My mind is too clogged with stuff." You lowered your hand with a warning look that he shouldn't start up again.

"Explain this 'stuff'."

You shrugged. "You know just...stuff."

"'Stuff' as in 'sex'?"

"...What did you just say?" You ask in warning tone but he seem not to catch the silent threat.

He walked over to the the bookshelf and eyes seem to roam over it quickly in search of a book. "Aha!"

He pulled out a book that cover was black and had bright, big gold letters...and as you read the title you twtiched in annoyance.

"It's my latest novel! I'm sure you didn't read this one either. I called it...Sinfully Addicted." He said the last part in a sultry, seducing vioce.


He sat down back next to you. "It about a sex addict and how he manipulates woman. I gave vivid descriptions in this you can try some of this stuff out. Trust me you'll blow Yuki's mind."

Twitch. Twitch.

"Why are looking at me like that?" He said finally noticing your piercing gaze and interpreting the death threats.

You start flexing your hands that are soon balled into fists and Seth starts sweating bullets.

"Was it something I said? Or is it that 'time of the month' again? Remember (name) It's me your big bro' the one that cooks for you! I -"

Thawck. Boom. Ping. Woo. Bang. Kerpluck.


Seth is currently incapacitated and can no longer proceed his role in the rest of this chapter...please stand by while the authoress gets medical help.

"Goodnight Seth."

Obsession ( Yandere-ish! Yuki Sohma x Reader ) Fruits Baskets Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang