5. Good News and New Opportunities

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When the first boy arrives on the fifth day he's surprised to see the second boy already sitting down. He checks his phone and frowns when he sees he's there when he normally is. He walks over to the table before getting his tea and gently clears his throat.

"You're here early," the first boy says and the second whips around, a wide smile on his face. There's a piece of banana bread with him today and a hot cup of tea sits on the first boys side. He smiles lightly at that and walks over to his seat.

"Yeah, I know. I have good news and I couldn't wait to tell you," the second one rushes out. The first hums and sips at his tea. It's made perfectly and it makes his smile grow.

"What's the news?" He inquires and the second boy sits straighter.

"Okay, so I'm in school for teaching and everyone needs to apply for an internship, right? While I got accepted to mine today!" The second boy cheers and the first claps his hands and let's out a cheer too.

"What are you teaching?" He asks excitedly and the second boy leans forward, his giddy smile lighting up the dim cafe.

"First grade. I'm really excited because not everyone got in, but I did. Can you believe it?" He gushes and the first boy nods his head.

"I believe it. You're very charismatic," he tells him.

"Well thank you. I hope I do well," he continues and the first sips at his tea again and then licks his lips.

"You will. I know you will," the first encourages and the second boy links their ankles under the table.

"Thank you. So how's Tyler?" He asks and the first shakes his head.

"Nope. It's about you today. Do you want something to celebrate? A hot chocolate?" He suggests and the second boy rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"I have my bread. Bring me something tomorrow," he says.

"What'd you like?" The first asks and the second purses his lips.

"Surprise me. Get me something that reminds you of me," the second tells him and the first boy laughs and nods.

"Okay. So when do you start teaching?" He asks.

"In two weeks. At North Side Elementary," he tells him.

"Nice school. Maybe they'll offer you a job," the first comments.

"I hope so!" The second cheers, a whole new wave of excitement hitting him. The two continue to talk about the good news, their ankles locked under the table.

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