7. New Boy and Rushed Goodbyes

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The first boy waits for a week. The second boy never shows and eventually the first just invites Tyler instead. Not right away of course - he always waits for boy number two. He wonders where he is, who he's with. Is he with the boy he went on that blind date with? Is he sick? Is there a family emergency?

The questions all get answered when the boy runs into the small shop, his whole body glowing and his smile the widest it's ever been. The first boy does a double take at him and then just tilts his head.

"Where've you been?" The first boy asks and then second flops down, his fingers red from the cold outside.

"With Jason. God, he's the most perfect human being to exist. I can't get enough," the second gushes and the first tries to hide his annoyance. It's not that he's mad about the boy finding someone - he's actually ecstatic for him - it's just that he's a man of routine. The second boy messed up his simple routine for another boy.

"I'm glad to hear that. I actually can't stay much longer... Tyler's taking me out," the first explains, finishing his tea and throwing the other an apologetic smile.

"What? I just got here! I have so much to tell you," the second pouts and the first boy just smiles sadly again and stands up.

"I've been here for over an hour. I'm sorry."

"You're usually here later," the second points out and the first boy sighs as he slips on his coat.

"I usually have company. You haven't been here so I'm going out more. I'm sorry, but I can't be late," the first says before he's rushing from the building and into the cold evening.

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