11. Moving and I Love You's

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Louis carries in the last box and then flops down on the couch in a dramatic fashion. Harry looks up from where he's unpacking and rolls his eyes at the smaller boy.

"It wasn't that bad," Harry comments and Louis glares at him, his hair falling into his face.

"I carried in all your boxes. You did nothing," Louis tells him and Harry juts out his lip and makes his eyes go wide.

"I packed them all. You're the one that asked me to move in," Harry defends himself and Louis huffs and rolls his eyes.

"Whatever. Go back to unpacking," he instructs and Harry just sticks out his tongue and turns around.

The two boys have been dating for ten months now and Louis can't believe time has went by so fast. He feels like he never had a life before Harry and he hopes he gets to spend the rest of his life with him. Of course marriage isn't on his mind - not often - it's far too soon for that, but he likes to think one day he may ask the question.

Louis grunts when a slipper hits the side of his head and he turns to see Harry sulking, his arms crossed. He picks up the slipper and throws it back at him, making the other sulk even more.

"Pay attention to me! What are you even thinking about?" He asks. He moves forward so he can sit on the couch next to the boy, leaning against him comfortably.

"I'm thinking about how much you owe me for carrying all your boxes up," Louis teases and Harry shakes his head, smiling stupidly.

"How about I make you some tea for all your hard work?" He suggests and Louis hums in appreciation and kisses his cheek. The other boy climbs off the couch and walks through the maze of boxes and into the kitchen. Louis just closes his eyes and let's his body sink into the cushions.

"Are you hungry, Lou?" Harry calls from the kitchen and Louis peaks open his eyes and looks over to see Harry looking out of the doorway.

"Not really. Is my tea done?" He calls back.

"Almost. Be patient."

Louis just groans and turns around again. He grabs his remote and turns on the television, watching the news. He gets lost in the world problems and jumps when Harry curls up next to him.

"Your tea's on the table," he murmurs softly. Louis just smiles and leans forward to take a sip. The warm liquid soothes him and he loves that Harry knows exactly how to make it.

"Thanks, darling," Louis mumbles around the cup as he prepares for another taste. Harry just wraps his arms around him and kisses his shoulder.

"Can we watch Netflix in bed? I'll unpack tomorrow," Harry whispers and Louis just agrees silently. He turns off the television and grabs his drink, following his lover to their now shared bedroom. Harry is quick to strip down and Louis watches him admiringly. The boy is all his. He follows his movements, placing his tea on the side table and stripping off his shirt. He climbs into the bed and Harry moves to cuddle into his chest, his breathing steady.

"I love you," Harry tells him. His breath ghosts across Louis' naked skin, making him shiver. "I'm happy I sat with you that day."

Louis just moves so he can capture the boys lips with his own. Everything about kissing Harry is safe, from the way he tastes to the way he smells. The feeling of his soft skin under Louis' gentle fingers and the way his breathing increases when Louis pulls away to kiss his jaw. Harry is Louis' safe place, his home.

"I love you too," Louis tells him, meaning it more each time he tells him. Harry just smiles wide like he always does, like he can never get tired of hearing Louis admit those three words. And it's all so easy with them. Nothing is forced or rushed.

Everything is completely and perfectly simple. Just how both boys like it.

The End.

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