Come Home To Me

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2 weeks later. 

Aiden and I were listening to music while getting dinner ready. While we were waiting for the chicken to cook, I heard a knock on the door. Aiden looked at me with a worried look. "stay here" He said and handed me a knife. 

"Aiden, isn't this a little extreme?" I questioned but I stopped once he gave me a look I had never seen before. It was like I was looking at a different person, someone who was ready to kill. I stopped and took the knife. worry rushed over me. 

He walked out of the kitchen and I heard his footsteps become quieter as he approached the door. Hearing the door open, I braced myself for the worse but was surprised with what happened. 

"Brian?" I heard Aiden ask with excitement. 

"Aiden?! Wow, you're home! Dude, it's been forever!" Brain retorted.

I walked around the corner with relief. "Brian, what are you doing here?!" I asked, happy to see the guy who saved me from being a rape victim. 

"Uhmmm, why do you have a knife?" He asked, and we all started laughing. Aiden explained why I had a knife, making sure he knew I wasn't a psycho path. 

"I didn't realize you were home, man. I don't want to disturb your guys time with each other. I came over because I heard about your dad, neve, which I'm so sorry about. But I thought maybe you would want to talk to a friend. We'll catch up some other time, I didn't mean to bother anyone."

I quickly responded, " you did not drive all the way over here to go back home! Please stay, we have dinner!"

He shook his head, "No, that's okay really I should have called." 

I gently pulled him in the house by his arm, "You saved my life. We insist."

Aiden added in, reassuring him that it was okay. 

They talked in the living room, drinking beer, reminiscing upon all the baseball fun they had. I never really realized that they were as close as they were. 

I set the dining room table and called them in. They came in and both sat down. 

Aiden spoke up after a little bit. " Hey, I want to thank you for taking care of her when I wasn't here."

"ah, man, don't worry about it. I had forgotten you two were together. I was glad I was there to stop him."

"I wish I could thank you for all that you did." I said and gave him a smile. 

He laughed slightly, "I really didn't do much, but thank you for thinking so much of me." 

After dinner, after apple pie, and after hours of talking around dining room table he announced that he had to get going. 

 We said our goodbyes, Aiden and Brian bro-hugged and he gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, "If you need anything, I'm here."

I thanked him and he then left. He walked to his car, got in, and drove down the drive way. 

"That was a nice visit." I said and he gave me a questionable look, "What did you he whisper in your ear?"

I shrugged my shoulder nonchalantly, " just that if I needed anything to let him know. That he is here for me." 

He squinted his eyes, "Hmm. If it's an emergency you can call him, but if its just to talk, no." 

that made me a little angry, "Why couldn't I call him if I wanted to?" 

He tilted his head slightly sideways, showing he was done with the conversation. "I just don't want you talking to a bunch of guys."

"You don't trust me?" I asked, now my feelings were getting hurt. 

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