Come Back To Us

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It has been 4 days since Aidan left for boot camp. I'm still kinda depressed about Aidan not being here, but he will be back in less than 2 months. 

I walked downstairs as Max shuffled behind me, he is so cute! I walked into the kitchen and my dad was sitting at the table eating his breakfast,"Good morning." I said as I walked to the refrigerator. 

"Good morning Neve. Max, how are you doing?" My dad said as he bent down so he could pet Max. 

My dad sat back in his chair and he was breathing a little hard and looked a little pale.

"Are you feeling alright dad?" I asked as I sat next to him at the kitchen table. 

"Yes, I'm fine. Just tired, a long week at work." He said and smiled. He seems like he is hiding something but what would he hide from me?

We finished breakfast and Max ran over to the door and acted like he needed to go outside. 

I walked to the door and let him out. I watched him run in the grass and sniff around and then I heard a big thump.

I spun around and saw my dad on the floor. I ran over to him,"Dad!" I yelled. I checked his pulse and breathing and it seemed relatively normal.

"MOM!! I yelled and got up and ran for my phone and dialled 911.

I talked to the operator for 911, and they told me some stuff to do but really all I could do is wait for them to get here.

My mom ran down the stairs and when she saw my dad she ran to him. "Dan! Dan, come back to us!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face.

I got Max inside the house, and the ambulance got here. They took him to the hospital, and mom and I followed behind them in my car.

When we parked we ran as fast as we could into the hospital and the nurses pointed us in the direction that they went.

We ran down the hall to the examining room and saw them working on him. They hooked the heart  monotor up to him and were checking him out.

I took a deep breathe as well as my mom did, when his eyes opened again and he started talking again. 

Suddenly, his eyes rolled back and his heart stopped. They started doing CPR and nurses started getting the defibrillator ready. 

After them trying CPR, they shocked him twice with the defibrillator, "Clear!" I heard them yell as they pressed the paddles on his chest and as the shock ran through him his chest popped up into the air. 

They repeated that once again and his heart started to beat again. 

My mom and I were both crying and a doctor came out and talked to us, "He is stable now. Please sit in the waiting room."

We did as he said and started walking to the waiting room.

We sat down in the waiting room. I turned and looked at my mom. She looks worried and like she is hiding something.

"Mom, what's going on?" I asked.

" know as much as I do."She said fiddling with her thumbs.

"No, mom what is really going on!" I said impatiently and a little disrecpectfully.

"2 months ago, we found out that he has brain cancer. They can't stop the cancer but they offered treatment but he said no." She said while her voice quivered.

"How much longer does he have." I asked starting to shake, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.

"After today, I don't know. We will have to ask the doctor." 

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