The Phone Call

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rushed through the hell
gripping my phone tight
pushing away people without an apology
just to catch the glimpse i was longing for ages
I knew I wouldn't catch you by the end of this path
That thrumble of the heart when it finally rang
Among hundreds of rings of the day only that melody of the call mattered
My soul couldn't utter a word after the voice on the other side
I knew you were there, somewhere my eyes couldn't catch you
I stood right there, having your voice with me
My legs couldn't walk me any longer when I saw you standing at the end of this hell
Casually resting your shoulders by the wall
I would never get tired of this hell
Hundreds of eyes to catch but I captured your vision
Very selfish of me but I wanted that moment to belong only to us
I knew I couldn't cross the path and touch your soul
But all I had was your voice on the other side of the call
And you staring straight at me
How relaxed and wittily smiling at me
Not bothering a single soul walking past us
I could have just rushed to the glimpse I was longing for
But I rather turned around
And we both parted ways to mend our lives

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