Fall for me

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Forgetting your traces couldn't get more difficult
You brought out such a feeling in me
That I allowed none to do that to me
Your traces couldn't get more difficult for me to carry on
The times i say wont shed a tear
The times it gets harder to hold me up
What's so unique in you?
I let you to break me and be the reason for making me smile
I keep on waiting for you but i know there's nothing to wait for
Why am i still waiting for you?
The wait hurt my soul and allowed the tear drops
Why am I finding myself so weak for you?
Your soul was so magical that i found everything in it
Deep inside I always knew you never cared for my love
But I would always linger for your love
Wished I would cross your mind
Making you go crazy when you couldn't catch a glance of me
What was so unique in you that none could bring out this feeling in me
And none hurt me the way you're doing unconsciously
I wished to forget you, erase every traces of you in my heart, just leave already
But couldn't you just fall for me all over again?

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