Candyfloss Clouds

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this tingly feeling rushing through my veins
so soft yet too strong to make all my nerves come to a halt
my eyes turn blind to all other things around me except you
surely my eyes want to capture this beauty forever so that it could never forget it's every detail
the time i try to examine every single detail
is the time i get lost and struggle to come back
come back to the harsh reality of my eyes never meeting yours
i wonder if i could see the tranquil of stars or the flashing moonlight
when my eyes would finally catch yours and I would never find myself back
how do you make me so weak
by your candyfloss traits
i want to touch every little detail that you portray
and won't let it skip through my fingers just like clouds
surely you're the candyfloss clouds I won't ever get bored of
bored of the obsession you got me in

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