Chapter 16

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Hyejin P.O.V
...back onto the bridge. I remembered the promise I made with Wonho.
I ran around in the forest, together with Wonho. As my older brother he always took care of his 9 year old sister. I laughed as he was chasing me but since I wasn't careful enough, I tripped and fell.

I hit the ground and started to cry since it hurt quite a lot. Wonho sprinted to me and made sure I wasn't hurt too bad. I didn't want to walk so he picked me up and walked back to the agency. I still had tears in my eyes.

Wonho looked at me with a worried expression. Don't worry Jinnie. I got you. I'll always be there for you ok? And even if I am not standing right next to you, a part of me will always be with you so take care ok? He said.

I looked into his eyes and smiled. I nodded. We arrived at the agency, he put me down and stuck out his pinky. Pinky promise? He asked. I connected my pinky with his. Pinky promise!

Back to the present

I remembered our promise. I can't break it. I wiped away my tears and walked away from the bridge. No I would not just give up like that. I took out my phone, typed a number and pressed the call button.

Call dialogue:

Hello, it's me. Hyejin. Remember me?

Oh of course. Hi Hyejin nice to hear from you again. How are you doing and why are you calling?

Well, I'm not doing well. Infact my life has turned into a bad k-drama. And I have a favor to ask.

Why? What's wrong? And how can I help you?

I can explain everything later. First my favor. Can I please come to you and work at your agency. I need a serious break right now. I can't stay here.

Well that won't be a problem. I'll send a plane ticket. And you can just tell me what's going on when you arrive. Please keep your head up Hyejin. You're strong, never forget that.

Thank you. I won't forget. When is the plane going to leave.

I just sent you the online ticket. It's actually leaving in one and a half hours. So yeah see you soon.

Thank you again and goodbye.

Bye Hyejinnie.

Call end
I really need a break. And who knows maybe I can get over Jungkook in a different country. And hey, New York seems to be a pretty dope city. I am really thankful that I have friends that help me out.

Thank you Yoon Jeonghan for helping me out

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Thank you Yoon Jeonghan for helping me out. You really are an angel.

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