Chapter 32. Orbiting Gnumus

Start from the beginning

Tyler smiled. "Thankfully we stopped using horses for fighting a long time ago."

Pardon my mistake, my lady. Tyler imagined him bowing. I have much to learn about the Human species.

"Please continue." Said Tyler, pulling at a small knot in her hair with her brush.

Of course, my dear. As I was saying. It was a horrendous battle, one that lasted several years.

"Several years!!" Tyler stammered, taken aback.

Indeed. During portions of that time, the Oidians were fully invested in the war. Many of them would fight with zeal that matched that of the Bovase.

"Well surely there were only Oidians fighting on the side of the Lil, er... the side that wanted Oidains to remain in control!"

Ah, one would think mistress. But believe it or not, there were also many Oidians that believed that they were meant to be controlled by the Bovase. They were willing to give up all of their freedoms to live a life without responsibility and control.

Tyler was stunned. It was crazy to imagine that a being would actually want to give up their agency.

When the war was finally over my lady, which side do you think came out on top?

A sick feeling twisted through her stomach.

Yes. The Poa.

Tyler stopped brushing her hair and placed the brush down next to her on the mat. A rampage of emotions was circling through her, emotions of bitter pain and burning loathing like she had never experienced before.

Then, just as quickly as they had come, they faded away.

P-please forgive me my lady. Faltered Ishnook. He paused a moment to collect himself. I should never have let my emotions flow from me like that. I had no intentions of sharing those emotions with you or motivating your feelings on the subject in any way. I won't let it happen again.

Tyler was stunned. She picked up her brush again out of habit.

I apologize again my mistress. That sort of thing... that emotional manipulation, is forbidden for the Lil.

"...It's alright Ishnook," Tyler said gently, "your feelings are incredibly strong."

My lady, I believe this answers a previous question of yours. Many of the Oidians fighting with the Poa were possessed by powerful Bovase, Bovase that intentionally let their own emotions to flow freely through the host Oidian. Those Oidians were driven almost by obsession to fight.

"What happened after the Poa won the war?" Questioned Tyler, resuming her brushing.

When the war was finally over, both the Bovase and the Oidians were teetering near extinction. Not only had the vile war wiped out both of the armies, but the effects on the planet were also catastrophic. The once habitable areas of Gnumus had been stripped bare, and soon the dust dunes covered the planet where life used to be.

The Bovase, the majority being Poa, joined together in an attempt to restore the land. The Oidians hid themselves away, not wanting to join with the Bovase ever again. They destroyed thousands of their records, trying to eliminate the existence of the Bovase in their culture. Thousands of them even ended their own lives to escape this world.

After a short time, the Oidians disappeared completely. It has been close to a century since anyone has seen an Oidian. As you know, they are believed to be extinct now. The Bovase that survived also went into hiding for years. The planet was essentially dead.

"So... You're not a Poa." Asked Tyler cautiously.

No, dear me my lady. If I were a Poa, you would not have much agency. Your emotions and most likely your actions would be controlled by me. I am a Lil.

Tyler figured that. "But there are Poa still on Gnumus?"

Ishnook hesitated.

"I'm asking" she added quickly, "because, well... what if I wasn't the only one that got a Bovase? What if one one of my teammates was possessed by a Poa?"

The Bovase thought for a moment. I suppose it is possible... that one of them was possessed by a Poa, I mean. No, my lady, continued Ishnook, I may be mistaken, but I don't remember there being many Bovase present in the area you were exploring. At least, not many that I knew about.

"What? Where did they go?"

Well, the Lil that survived the war were hunted, most of them still spend their lives hiding now. There aren't many of us left in our species I'm afraid.

"And what about the Poa?"

Well Mistress, Ishnook sighed there is another story that I need to tell you. A few decades after the war, after most of the Lil had either been killed or hidden, a leader rose up among the Poa Bovase. His name was Arbol Ikagoss.

Arbol was a powerful Bovase, capable of doing things that had never been heard of among the Bovase species. He also had some strong beliefs. Arbol believed that the Bovase species was meant to be more than masters on their own now dying planet. Arbol believed that they were meant to be gods of the Pentaverse. 

He was a convincing leader, to the point that even some of the Lil left from their hiding to join his army. Ishnook shook his head.

"And..." Tyler said after it seemed like Ishnook had finished. "You don't know what happened to Arbol?"

I imagine he is on some remote part of Gnumus, still making plans and building his army somewhere. Ishnook shrugged. I am very grateful for the opportunity to escape my home planet, my lady. Gnumus is not a good place to be right now.

Tyler nodded. "I can understand why."

Tyler sat thoughtfully brushing her hair.

Many thoughts went through her head—she thought back on the day they spent on Gnumus, and she hoped that none of her teammates had unknowingly crossed paths with a Poa. She was eager to get off this ratty ship and be with her team again.

"Ishnook," she thought aloud, "what do you know about the Short Circuit that was marooned on Gnumus?"

Not much, my lady. From your thoughts I perceive that he did many awful things to his own species. Ishnook thought for a moment.

But I do remember when the Circuit ship crashed on the planet. There was quite a fuss about it through the underground Bovase communities.

Ishnook frowned. The Circuit didn't arrive on the planet until several days after the ship though, if I'm not mistaken.

Tyler blinked and stopped brushing. "Short... wasn't in the ship when it crashed?"

Yes. Ishnook said with a frown. He was not. A good friend of mine had investigated the crash when it happened. There were a few dead Circuit's on the ship, but not this Short. Then some Bovase saw the Circuit as he was dropped from a different ship a few days afterwards.

That's not right... Thought Tyler.

Whats the matter, Mistress?

The Queen had told them that she had forced Short and his ship to crash land on Gnumus.

Oh. That is... odd, my lady. Perhaps... well... perhaps I am mistaken. But no, surely not. I am quite certain now that I think of it... the news caused quite a commotion... hm.

So... Short was not on the ship when it crashed.

Ishnook followed her train of thought. My dear, he continued cautiously, if I may be straightforward, it seems like the information you received about Short was false.

I... I believe the Queen was lying to you.

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