Chapter 28. Four years ago

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Wait. Why was there a mug in the room if it wasn't a bar? There had to be something I could drink in here.

The Stram charged me from behind and I cursed again as I was barely able to leap out of his grasp. He yelled in frustration as his momentum caused him to trip and plow into the ground once again.

I rushed at the Gonos, taking advantage of his falter and kicking him square in the chest. The Gonos stumbled backwards onto a cluster of stools, and then crashed through them to the floor. I quickly grabbed another stool and slammed it down unto the being's polygonal head repeatedly. The stout polygonal being soon blacked out.

I glanced back at the Stram just in time to see a stool swing at my head. I attempted to duck but was too slow. The stool slammed into my skull, shooting stars into my vision and sending me to the ground.

The Stram grinned in victory, the thousands of teeth stretching across his twisted face. He grabbed a broken stool and ripped a leg off of it, holding the sharpened leg in his hand menacingly and tossing the rest of the stool to the side.

My head was swimming as I watched him loom over me with his weapon raised, preparing to strike.

"Gotcha Pardos." Leered the Stram, his eyes wild with bloodlust and glory from the win.

Aiming for my chest, he swiftly brought the weapon down, throwing his weight into the sharp stool leg. In that split second I desperately flung my leg up, kicking the stool leg as it came down and jarring it out of his grasp.

The unexpected kick threw him off balance. He stumbled forward, tripping over me and crying out in surprise. I rolled to the side and swept my leg under his, causing him to flip and crash onto the floor next to me face first. I quickly grabbed the splintered stool leg and hopped to my feet.

Without hesitation I slammed it deep into the Stram's thick back.

The Stram gasped, his eyes growing wide.

I stumbled backwards, my head still throbbing from the hit.

The large shark like Stram breathed heavily, and painfully tried to push himself away with his legs. I watched him for a moment as he struggled, trying to catch my breath.

He would probably survive if he got the right medical treatment. I glanced over at the Gonos. He was still passed out on the floor.

He would be fine too.

Not that I really cared that they survived. I had killed before. I just always thought it was a shame to kill a good piece of muscle. After all, these guys were just hired brutes, same as me. Just doing their jobs.

I picked myself up off the ground, gingerly holding my mangled hand. It was broken in several spots from punching the Gonos, and continuing to fight with it was probably not the smartest idea.

I searched the room hazily until I found a little yellow light shining from the far wall. It was an emergency button. One quick activation would alert the nearest police force and send them to this exact location. Every building had one.

On closer examination there was a small cabinet at the far wall that I had previously missed. I stumbled over to it and flung the small doors open. There wasn't much inside, but it had just what I was looking for.


I grabbed the bottle and downed the contents in just a few gulps. The stuff wasn't bad, and the buzz helped me ignore the pain in my hand and head.

Gripping the bottle loosely I tossed it at the yellow emergency button. It smashed against the wall and the light started to pulsate. Help would be there in just a few minutes. They would be able to get the two meatheads to a hospital.

Waiting ShapelessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz