Chapter 26. Pareyline

Start from the beginning

Officer Lliui smiled, the plethora of razor teeth in his mouth gleaming. He like this Ferionus. He likewise reached out to shake the Professor's hand.

"Oh," grimaced the plump Gonos, reaching out and gently pushing the Professor's crystal arm down. "He doesn't do handshakes."

Officer Lliui frowned at him. Who did this Gonos think he was?

"Officer, I would like to tell you about the object we are currently examining." Said the Ferionus, unfazed.

"Yes." Officer Lliui sniffed. "What is it that you have found, Professor?"

"We aren't sure about that, Sir. But we have some good guesses." The crystal turned to look at the metal object.

"Our team discovered the object in the center of a crater with large impact splash rings surrounding it, and as you can see from the burn damage on the outer hull, the object endured serious temperatures. We assume from this that it came in through the planet's atmosphere and hit the ground hard. According to the mechanics and it's hollowed structure, we suspect that it is a transportation shuttle of sorts. Though it was empty upon discovery, sir."

Officer Lliui frowned. "An unidentified interplanetary shuttle huh. And this relates to the Aiter epidemic how?"

"Forgive me, Officer." Bowed the crystal Professor respectfully. "I did not realize you were so... uninformed."

Officer Lliui frowned again. His face was getting a great workout today.

"The object is significant," continued the Frionus, "because within a three thousand span radius of it was the highest percentage of infected Aiters on the entire planet."

"Now were talking!" Grinned the Officer, rubbing his thick rough hands together.

The Gonos next to him giggled excitedly and Officer Lliui's smile quickly turned back to a grimace as he took a disgruntled glanced at the being.

The Gonos' giddy laughter quickly subsided.

"Right," said Officer Lliui, turning towards the Professor once again, "so where did it come from?"

"We don't know that yet. But all these beings you see around you," The Frionus said, gently sweeping his crystal hand towards the several beings studying the object and consulting with screens around them in the tent, "they are all species specialists working hard to answer that very question."

"Huh. Well, excellent find boys. Keep up the good work." Smiled the uniformed Stram.

"Thank you, Officer Lliui. Are there any other questions I can answer for you?"

"No. That's all, thank you."

The Professor bowed and turned to continue his work on the object.

Officer Lliui nodded and turned distastefully to the Gonos. "You are dismissed as well."

The jolly Mohamed gleamed. "Thanks for your permission, but I was planning on sticking with you!"

Lliui suddenly choked on his saliva, coughing wildly. The Gonos smiled reassuringly and began to gently pat the Stram's back.

"Enough!" Wheezed the officer, jumping away from the Gonos' touch.

Some of the other beings in the tent turned to stare at the Officer curiously.

Officer Lliui cleared his throat and straightened his uniform. "Mohamed, I need you to do something for me."

The red Gonos smiled helpfully. "What can I do for you, Officer?"

Officer Lliui grimaced. "Er... I need you to bring an Allonp species expert to the software examination district. It's in area A37. Make sure that the expert meets with Professor Nazir, he's a Kaptoy."

The Gonos beamed excitedly. "An Allonp expert? I know just the gal!" The Gonos looked like he was going to start bouncing off the walls with excitement.

Officer Lliui smiled. "Excellent. Oh and Mohammed, make sure you sit down and have a... a nice chat... with Professor Nazir. He likes that kind of stuff. Talk to him all about your life."

The Gonos was practically shaking with excitement. "Yes sir!!" He exclaimed.

"Off you go now." Smiled Lliui slyly.

The Gonos grinned and saluted sheepishly, then bounded off towards the tent's exit.

The Major watched him go with a smile.

Good. He thought, turning back to examine the object curiously.

Things were finally coming together.

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