Chapter 25. Gnumus

Start from the beginning

Not far down the corridor was the room where Byralnus had destroyed the small machine, and when they reached it, Byralnus motioned for them to stop. 

"When I first destroyed the mechanism that was protecting the ship" whispered the crystal being, "I heard a scream coming from somewhere nearby."

"I heard it too!" Bai nodded.

Tyler examined the empty poles hanging from the blue ceiling, the scorch marks along the walls, and worst of all the blood of the officer that had been crushed against the floor, the remains of his pulverized body mixed in with the black muck.

Tyler felt nauseous and forced herself to look away.

"I think it was the Short Circuit." Remarked Byralnus, his voice still hushed.

Tyler and Bai looked at him, both unsure.

"And what do we do if we find him?" asked Tyler quietly. "We're going to end up like that guy." She pointed to the officer's body without looking at it.

"I think we should go assess the situation." Bryalnus said calmly. "We are so close to finishing our mission, Jacobs."

This was unsettling to Tyler. If the Circuits they had met at this point were dangerous, how much more dangerous would Short be? She felt like they were already just moments away from being helplessly chased down by an army of distorted machines. All she wanted at this moment was to get out of this haunted vessel as soon as possible.

"I don't like this guys." Whispered Tyler.

"Jacobs, you stay with EkirBai. I will go check out the surrounding area." Byualnus looked at both of them sternly. "If anything happens, leave me and get out of here as soon as you can. Understand?"

Tyler and Bai nodded solemnly.

Bai was not as content with this plan however. Knowing what she knew, it was obvious that the closer they stuck to Byralnus, the safer they would be. But that was a secret that she somehow had to keep.

Byralnus nodded in return, then turned to leave them. He slid into the large room quietly, eyeing the two doorways that he planned to explore.

The door to the right was where all the rogue Circuits had emerged, so Byralnus went first to the other door directly in front of him.

He could feel power course though his body as he assessed how much coalesced energy he had left. There was plenty. If he needed to, he would use it again without hesitation.


Bai and Tyler had stayed as silent as possible while waiting in the tar stained hallway. Conversation had been quiet and minimal.

Nothing had happened. The now brightly lit corridor stayed empty and silent save for the two of them.

Suddenly there were splashing noises coming from the direction they had been heading. Both Bai and Tyler spun in that direction, eyes wide and preparing to run.

It was Jirabi.

"...Jirabi?" Said Bai quietly.

The large purple figure was jogging towards them with Heva clinging tightly on the top of his head.

"Yes! It's Jirabi and Heva!" Said Tyler with hushed excitement.

They were clearly visible now, Jirabi ran forward with the small blue Heva perched atop his head, tightly grasping to his long horns. Her large feather flapped carelessly behind her.

Tyler waved at them as they approached and motioned for them to be quiet. Jirabi slowed to a trot and approached silently.

"I'm glad to see you guys are alright, we heard something like an explosion!" Whispered Jirabi. "Where is the captain?"

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