Chapter 11. Two years ago

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"Let's get down to business darling. What do you want me to do?"

I crossed my arms in thought. "Well... we need to gather some information. I've never done detective work or anything like this before, but I'm assuming it's like looking for a missing wallet or something. We need to start with the last place we saw her. Then work up from there."

I was suddenly very grateful to have Bai with me. The hunt for my sister was more of an exciting adventure now.

"Uh, dear... I didn't really ever see your sister much... she was always pretty secretive, I thought... hm. The last place I saw her..." Thought Bai, closing her eyes and tapping her finger against her chin. "I think it was the first time I met her. You introduced her to me. I think I've only seen her once." Bai dropped her arm and looked back at Tyler. "I don't think that will help us much though."

I frowned. Maty was a little secretive at times, but never to this extent. "Let's try calling some places." I said with a weak smile. "You call the business she used to work for, and I'll try the apartment she was living at. And... I know I've called these places before, but it was a while ago. We need to focus on doing some real digging this time."

Bai nodded.

I grabbed a note pad for Bai and we both went to different parts of the large room. I sat back down at my favorite chair.

Once again I pulled the small nightstand closer to me, drawing up a screen on the table's surface with my fingers.

"Call the Yolia's Plaza apartments on the planet Doty in Gallidon." I told the screen. That's where Maty had been staying before she disappeared. I heard Bai start to talk with somebody on the other side of the room.

The screen loaded for a moment, then a middle aged female Gonos appeared, her polygonal body floating above the screen. She looked to be sitting at a desk.

"Yolia's Plaza." The Gonos said, a dull expression on her solid, reflective face.

"Hello, I was hoping you could look up the records of a resident." I requested hopefully.

"We don't give away the personal information of our residents, Ma'am." Frowned the Gonos.

"Oh, she's a relative. She's my sister."

The Gonos sighed. "What is your name?"

"Tyler Jacobs; J-A-C-O-B-S." I spelled out.

The Gonos quickly scribbled the name down. "And the residents name?"

"Maty. Maty Jacobs."

The Gonos wrote that name down as well. I watched as the Gonos then pulled up a screen and searched through a series of information. It was several minuets before the Gonos looked back up at me.

"Miss, there hasn't been a Maty Jacobs living here for a while now." Said the being tiredly.

I exhaled and sat back in her chair. I hadn't noticed that I was anxiously sitting at the edge of the chair. "How long ago, exactly? In earth days?"

The Gonos frowned up at me.

"I'm sorry, I..." I stuttered nervously. "I'm just trying to find out where she went."

The Gonos shook her head and looked back down at the information. "644 hours." She said after a few moments.

I quickly wrote that down on my notepad. That was about 27 Earth days. "Thank you, and you wouldn't know where she went after that, do you?"

"We don't get that kind of information, Miss. But if you would like I can send you the contact information of the resident that took her room after her? I'm not supposed to do that... But maybe she would be happy to help you."

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