Chapter 4

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School had just ended for the day and I was going home. Upon Arriving my Liset Ordis Welcomes me as usual.

Ordis: Welcome back, Operator.

(Y/N): Good to be back. I can;t help but hate the feel of people staring at me during school Hours.

Ordis: Shall I -DISPOSE- recommend talking to them?

(Y/N): I think, I have a fair idea of who's doing the unnecessary.

Ordis: Well nevermind, I happen to notice that you-Burned- left a Camera at a Church.

(Y/N): I did that on Purpose. I happened to have met a young lady during my trip towards the Academy this morning. However I do not trust where she is going and what She is doing at the said location.

Ordis: Do you want me to activate the hidden camera and spy on her?

(Y/N): Yes.

Ordis: Scanning........... The young girl with Blonde hair Correct?

(Y/N): Yes, that would be the one.

Ordis: Hmm.... It seems she is leaving the area of the church. She is a with an -Disgusting, vile- uncomfortable man.

(Y/N): Shit I was right. Alright Ordis Set a tracking device on her. I will head out once she stops at a specific location.

I go to my arsenal and prepare my gear just in case something happens. I gather my Rakta Cernos and Twin Grakatas.

Ordis: Operator, the girl has stopped in her tracks, I will mark her location on your map.

(Y/N): Right, thank you Ordis. I shall return in about 30 to 40 minutes. If I take longer, then contact me, If I do not respond in about 2 to 3 minutes then enable the ship for combat.

Ordis; Already prepared, Operator.

(Y/N): I'll be on my way then.

I then activate Gauss with All speed Mods and burst in the direction that Asia was in.

In a matter of Seconds I arrive at this average looking building, It was rather quiet so I decided to proceed with caution.

(Y/N): Ash, Duration 268%.

The slim yet flexible armor appeared on top of me.

(Y/N): Smoke Screen.

I drop a small orb as smoke surrounded me, Allowing me to camouflage. I soon Climb the building to a window. I see through it and watch as a man with a long Dark Robe sits near a chimney Swaying his legs.

(Y/N): So that's the guy who was with Asia, but wher-

Upon thinking I heard a Bicycle Ring, Tune it's way. I saw that it was Issei, on his Bike. What worried me was that he was entering the building I was inspecting.

(Y/N): Shit, the hell is he doing here?

I decide to jump down from my current position. Thankfully this frame was quick and Nimble, allowing me to move along quietly. I enter through the doorway but Stick to the walls to avoid creaks on the floor. I looked through the doorway to see the floor covered with blood from a family. Issei begins to groan in disgust to the sight.

(Y/N): It ain't much of a bloodbath. I've done worse, so Man up!

Issei: What is this?

???: Punishment of the Wicked. I'm quoting the Holy Scripture here.

(Male Warframe reader x Highschool DxD) RiseWhere stories live. Discover now