Chapter 3

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It had been 4-5 hours since the battle with our hero and the three intruders. And since then they have been resting in (Y/N)'s ship. Time came to pass as (Y/N) was waking up.


(Y/N): Ordis?

Ordis: yes, Operator?

(Y/N): How are the "Guests"

Ordis: They are still sleeping in the intersection.

(Y/N): Right. Um..... Do we have any food?

Ordis: I don't believe so.. Since you-Starve- hardly eat yourself, Operator.

(Y/N): Right, Check anyway. Oh! The extra fish we caught from the plains! Are they still fresh!?

Ordis: One moment, Operator........... There is some-Bleeding- leftover fish meat. That can work.

(Y/N): Alright thank you Ordis. Can you cook it. I think our guests will be hungry when they wake up.

Ordis: Right away, Operator.

I exit my chamber and leave the transference room. I head to my personal quarters to see the fish meat being cooked. I walk by my fish tanks seeing them empty as ever. I continue walking until I reach the Somacord and play 'We all lift together'. An instrumental version of it plays.

(Y/N): (humming)... Cold.....

I hum the tune as it plays. The ship then opens a hole near the window of the personal quarters. Out comes a small pillar, with its table uses. I set up a cloth.

(Y/N): The air and water flowing..... hard...

I throw the cloth across the table.

(Y/N): The land we call our own..... Push....

I then pull out plates and Utensils.

(Y/N): To keep the dark from coming. Feel the weight of what we owe....

I then proceed to gather the fish and set it up on each plate.

(Y/N): This, the song of sons and Daughters.....

I then gather cups to place on the table.

(Y/N): Hide, The heart of who we are....

The ship then pours water in each cup.

(Y/N): Making peace to build our future. Strong, United, Working 'til we fall.

After everything was set up, I proceeded towards my Shawzin. I placed it on my lap as I continued to hum the tune.

At the intersection.

3rd POV

The woman with Dark long hair begins to awaken from her slumber as she hears the tunes from the inside of another room. The girl with white hair awakens to the smell of a fresh dinner being prepared from afar. The young Blonde awakens to the comfort of the area around him, the warmth of a home.

They continue off to the room where the voice of a young elegant male resides. The strums of a guitar can be heard from outside. They get closer to the door, to see (Y/N) staring out the window of the Personal Quarters on his knees with a guitar in arms. They stare as he begins to let out a tune.

After the strums fade and the glimmering sorrow decaying (Y/N) gets a hold of himself as he restores his shawzin to his position. He Rubs his eyes as he stands up.

(Male Warframe reader x Highschool DxD) RiseWhere stories live. Discover now