| Ten | In Private

Start from the beginning

"That's why I wanted you in here..." he lifted off of the stall. His eyes scanning me over intensely. He had backed me up against the sink,"What if I wanted to figure it out now?" He asked rubbing his pelvis against mine, between the two of us I couldn't tell who were getting an erection faster.

"Joel..." I say quietly unable to move him, a moan just as silent as my words escaping from his contact as he licked and nibbled on my ear down to my neck.

"What?" He said in-between small kisses. His hands began a search and find on my body. "Don't tell me that moan didn't mean anything to you." He pulled away with a smirk on his face.

"Did it mean anything to you?" I questioned.

Before he could even answer, loud steps coming from the hallway echoed making their way to the bathroom. Seemed to do the trick in getting his hands from inspecting my body anymore.

He moved quickly to a urinal close by, motioning for me to get in one of the bathroom stalls.

I rolled my eyes. Dismissing even the thought of 'hiding', in a school restroom no less. His immediate action said all of what he couldn't himself. I turned around to face the sink behind me, pretending to wash my hands. Seems like that's all I'm good at these days; pretending things don't happen both in private and public.

The steps got louder as they entered the bathroom, revealing the owner. I thought it might be just a student I hadn't talk to. Unfortunately, that applies to most of my peers. Instead it was Derrick, strutting in to a song he seemed to be humming in his head.

"Oop." Escaped him as his glance strides between me and Joel. I roll my eyes and continue washing my hands.

    Not sure if Joel ever met him, however catching a glimpse through the mirror, they shared a head nod before the boy entered a stall. I shook my wrist rapidly shaking the water off my hands and left quickly. I felt I had already over stayed my welcome. The amount of bacteria and germs living there was enough to disgust me, I would shit on myself before I actually relieved myself anywhere near the schools restroom.

        On my way back down to my classroom, I took the time to text Von back before I forgot again. Too many things were occurring all at once. From Joel and Von, to homecoming and making my senior year at the very least somewhat enjoyable, to keeping my grades together and worrying about my future.

Von : wyd when you get out of school ? Wanna chill ?   I read.

         : Maybe lol I don't think I'll be up to it by the end of the day

         Von: Damn, well if you change ya mind..

By the time I got done reading his response I were already near the classroom. I walked in and took my seat close to Shae again.

    "Damn shitty, are you okay? You need some juice or pepto? " She asked.

     I rolled my eyes smiling, "Neither."

Shae side eyed me like always, "I find it so funny how you only go to the bathroom when that phone ringing ?"

"And I find it funny how you always find your way into my business, now hand me ya' paper Ceilie."

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