Chapter 09 - Home

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With the chatters and squeals of the students echoing throughout the hallways, I now stood frozen still with my sharp eyes fixed on the mountain of girls that were hurdling around the said senior. Before thinking twice about my grave mistake, it only took a matter of seconds for me to immediately retreat from the danger zone.

"God damn it, I'm outta here!", I blurted out before thinking of carefully excusing myself.

What was I even thinking?

I must've been out of my mind.

While zoning out once again due to this unexpected close encounter, I started speeding my way right towards my first class when another not so faithful voice happened to drag me back into reality.

Back to hell to be precise.

"Rose!!! It's the captain!" this certain voice happened to stop me right at my tracks making me forcefully turn myself around since simply, I couldn't ignore her.

"Ugh! So?" I scoffed.

"So? Hey! I'm new here and you've ought to introduce me to him..?" and there she went on rambling.

"Oh?", I questioned while trying my best not to look too awkward.

"Yes", while she replied confirmingly.

"Sorry, but neither have I introduced nor met him myself in person", and that's when I dead ass replied letting her get a small hint about of my current critical situation.

"Lol, don't lie. Of course you have", she insisted but I wasn't that bothered to explain her the details. Hence, I just asked her to go and meet him by her self.

"Go and meet him by yourself then. Sorry, but I'm not coming", I firmly stated back.

"Aw come on! I can't just barge in and say 'Hi' just like that! You must come with me!" so that's how she snatched my wrist and started dragging me towards the mob just like that. Which too only lasted till I somehow forcefully manged to get out of her hands.

"Listen Zu, I can't meet him ok? Not even once so just go and mind your own business!" I almost raised my voice due to the fact that I was already pressured a lot by this time but that was only till Mian came to the rescue.

"Leave her alone Zuri. She has this weird phobia for the captain"

Wait what?!

"Huh?! No! Don't tell her!" I yelled in complete denial and frustration but ended up getting completely ignored.

"So you see, she apperently got beaten herself to pulp during primary school...", and there she goes revealing my most protected secret to public once again.

"Oh! So you 'have' met him!" squealed Zuri.

"Yeah, but never since then", confirmed Main while I was whining the sh*t out of me and being all sober for this embarrassing exposure.

"Seriously Rose? That was way back in primary school, and now you are even the Junior captain so why are you still being like this. Tsk Tsk", she mocked at my stupidity which I found completely fair but even still my pride didn't let me to accept it in one peace.

"Oh shut up, as if you've experienced all the embarrassment that I had to go through thanks to that d*ckhead!", I spoke in complete rage before turning around and heading straight towards class.


Well that was a hell of a boring lesson!

After getting out from my 4th class I was back at my locker before I could go to the cafeteria to have the brake with the other two.  What I didn't expect was to be suddenly bombarded into my locker not a second after closing it. 

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