Chapter 03 - Answer

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The ticking sound of the clock banging '12:00 AM' echoed through the dark hallways of the house which was only lit by the single lamp which was right on my night stand while every single living soul in the house was fast sleep leaving me alone. The one who stayed late to refer a few more books and the one who was now busy dealing with Mr. Unknown.

"Did you enjoy my gift and is your beloved friend doing well?" I heard him ask arrogantly making me snap.

"I think it's the perfect time to you to answer my questions", I scoffed. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"Hm, alright I'll take as an yes. Good night", he ignored pissing me off.

"Don't even try to ignore, what do you want?" I chuckled sarcastically.

"Oh, what I want?"

"Yes, what do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"Nothing much, just stay out of Mian's business", he replied but this time he was super serious and I was left speechless.

"Excuse you, but number 1. I never asked for any of this and number 2. She's my friend and her business is my business. I hope I made myself clear to you", I defended but his responding sarcastic laughter made me insecure.

"What?" I asked cutting off that disgusting voice.

"Nope, nothing~, but interesting", now his voice was really insecure.


"How about working for us? Along side with your friend?"


So that's what this was all about.

"Sorry but no thanks", I casually replied since,

Violence was really not my thing,

"Oh", a single word of response filled with untold disappointment was heard from the other end.


"I don't work for people", I completed my answer.

"Oh? Then what Do you do?" he asked confused but fascinated.

"I dominate", and with that I ended the call right at his face and went straight to bed.


The morning breeze really is the best.

I was sitting on a bench at the school garden since indoors seemed too lonely cuz it's still pretty early and not that much of students had already come, so here I am with my eyes closed enjoying the crispy morning breeze. The absolute silence in the area, the weather and temperature on point;


Was the perfect place to relax.

"Em excuse me."

Till someone had to disrupt it.

"What?" I asked not bothered to open my eyes back.

"Sorry to disturb but hi, I'm Zuri Miracle."


"So?" I asked a bit confused but irritated still with my eyes closed.

"This is my first day here and I'm kinda lost-"

"You first day?! Why didn't you say so!", I blew my eyes open after hearing her case and grabbed her hand before dragging her out of the garden without even sparing a single glance at her. Surely she was surprised af.


Poor thing.


After reaching the hallways which was darkly lit by the two shadows of us I might have halted a bit too suddenly since she apparently bumped right into me even though I balanced my self without falling flat onto the ground.

Game OverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz