Never Kiss And Tell - 8

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yes, this is in Nate's point of view. yur welcum. 

Chapter 8

Nate’s POV

                I patted the bed space beside me, wanting to feel the warmth of Ariella’s body snuggled up against mine. It was empty, though, completely void of the warmth that radiated from her glowing skin.

                She hadn’t stayed over last night. She had said that her parents were still checking in on her every ten minutes even though she technically wasn’t grounded. I mentally shook my head at myself for feeling so empty without her. Like a lost puppy.

                I would see her later. If not out in public, I’d surprise her and show up at her house. Then again, it was a Friday and knowing the people at school, there would be something going on since school had just started. Probably a bonfire or a weekend at one of the football player’s lake house. There was always something.

                But I really just wanted to spend time with Ariella. Laying in my bed together, her body curled up beside mine. We didn’t even have to do anything, just talk and be beside each other. We couldn’t do that, though. I knew as good as Ariella that Caroline would flip on us if she found out what we had done.

                Picking up my phone from my side table, I looked at the time. 6:00. I rolled myself out of bed, wanting nothing more than to just fall back asleep before going and taking a shower. When I got back out and checked my phone again, there was a text from Ariella. Are you going to Kelly’s party tonight after the football game?

                I shook my head, smiling at myself because I knew what was going to happen. I was too smart for my own good. Yeah, I was totally lying. I replied to Ariella’s text, telling her that I might, but I wasn’t sure.

                I got changed quickly, wanting nothing more than to see Ariella as quickly as possible. Settling for khaki shorts, elites, and my football jersey, wishing that I could give it to Ariella for her to wear like most of the guys did with their girlfriends.

                Who was I kidding, though? Ariella wouldn’t settle down. She wasn’t the type of person to have to deal with keeping one person happy all of the time and having to answer back to them. No, that wasn’t Ariella. She preferred to be on her own and without any strings attached. That had been what had drawn me to her.

                I wasn’t trying to have any strings, either. She was more of an option I had in case I didn’t want to be with a walking STD or I just didn’t find anything that caught my eye.

                I looked down at my phone as I walked out the front door with my bags in hand, reading Ariella’s text that said: Wanna come over and spend the night? I’ll tell Caroline that my parents are on lock-down and I can’t sneak out.

                I didn’t think twice, didn’t take any longer than I needed to when I texted her back with a simple: Yes.

                Hopping into my car, I rode to school with a happy atmosphere surrounding me. I wasn’t even mad when the light turned red right when I approached it. Wasn’t even mad when someone decided to be a douchebag and cut me off, almost making me run into the back of their car. I was pretty sure that nothing could affect me at that moment. I was going to spend the night with Ariella. Even if it was just for sex and nothing more for her, it was more for me. More than it should have even been.

                “Bro, are you okay?” My friend CJ asked me after I had parked and just sat in my car with the window down instead of getting out. That wasn’t normal for me.

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