As Eden glanced over, Amethyst was getting closer to Ethan, but he looked about to snap.

Amethyst had a history of hitting on Ethan, but he'd never been interested before. And he sure as hell wasn't interested now.

Jaro and Zach were taunting Eden, but keeping their distance since she kept shoving them away. But that, in combination with Amethyst leaning into Ethan's neck to kiss it led him to explode.

He stood up lightning fast, hand wrapped around her throat. Jaro and Zach and every demon nearby turned to watch.

"You're embarrassing yourself. I think you need some time in the Pit."

Eden watched carefully as he threw her forcefully into the floor, but as her body disappeared she never hit it.

The Pit was, to put it gently, the worst place a demon could end up. It was where they were punished for breaking rules—and since Ethan held rank over her, he could send her there without a second thought.

"Jaro, Zach, unless you want to end up with her, back away from the mortal."

They didn't need to be told twice.

One of the yellow-eyed demons nodded in admiration at Ethan's decision, but everyone who wasn't as high-ranking avoided eye contact with both him and Eden out of fear.

And honestly, Eden liked it. She liked being around someone so powerful, because it made her feel the same.

"Feeling a little protective tonight, hm?" Eden hummed against his jaw as she kissed it.

"Someone had to put them in their place." Ethan told her, placing his hands on the side of her face to pull her in. They got lost in sound of music from below and the taste of each other's lips.

The one yellow-eyed demon in the place, Kazan, found himself curious. He wandered over and sat across from them.

As he cleared his throat, they jumped apart and took note of his eye color.

"Ethan," He nodded politely and then turned to Eden. "I don't believe we've been introduced. I'm Kazan." The demon held his hand out to her.

She gave a short introduction, but ultimately let Ethan take over. He was concerned, but didn't show it.

Eden was busy thinking about his name. Some demons sound like something from the Bible, others sound like normal humans. Perhaps not their true name, just a preferred one?

"She's a mortal, is she not?"

Ethan thought about it for a moment. He could try and get away with a lie, say she was cloaked because she was hiding from someone, or he could own up to it. It was a serious offense, but it seemed Kazan knew the answer already.

"...yes, sir."

This was the first time Eden had seen him so serious, almost timid. He knew exactly how to behave not to get in trouble.

"Good call," the demon whispered. "I won't rat you out, but you should be more careful. You've got a lot of people talking lately. When you're as powerful as you are, you know that'll happen." Both of them felt a weight off their shoulders. "I like what you've been doing lately. You've been getting more results than anyone else, and you're trying hard. If you need to fornicate with some... mortal toy for those results, fine. As long as you don't get attached, and keep up with your work. But be more careful, boy."

Eden was getting a little sick of being called a toy, referred to as less than.

That's just how demons viewed mortals. Disposable. Play things. Souls waiting to be collected. Most had lost all traces of their humanity a long time ago.

Deal with the Devil - E.D.Where stories live. Discover now