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Harrys eyes flew open in shook, stood in his tracks with eyes as wide as his glasses. What have I done. Then I'm calling him a git.
"I-I've gotta go." Harry said backing up heading to the door.
"But, Harry!" Called Hermione walking towards him.
"Sorry, I need to find him. Catch ya later!" Harry said running out the dormitory after speaking the password. I can't believe I done this. He probably didn't feel safe around me and said he needed to go. Where could we be? Slytherin common room? Great hall? Bullying first years? Ugh I have no where else he'd-. Then it hit him, he stopped halfway down the corridor to the DADA classroom. The black lake! Harry spun around and headed to the black lake in search of Draco.

Draco's P.O.V from when Harry stormed off.

Me? An insufferable git?! If Snape hadn't come to. Wait. If. GRANGER? Hadn't come to. Im so pathetic. I got rescued by a muggle-born. Draco thought as he was sat at the black lake. He gazed into his reflection in the dark liquid, every now and then a drop of rain would splash on the calm lake to create ripples over his reflection. God I look hideous. I'm so pale, white hair, white face, I've even got grey eyes. Who would ever want me? Draco stared out across the misty lake focusing on the trees being revealed from the fog as it blew away. The lake gradually had more and more ripples created until it was pouring with rain. Pathetic fallacy much? Ugh, what's wrong with me? I should have spoken to Potter more, I bet he hates me now. Tears progressively dripped down Draco's pale cheeks onto his soaking robes. Now I'm crying again. Pathetic. Draco brought his knees up to his chest and squeezed them tightly putting his head into his knees and sobbing gently.
"DRACO?!" Screamed a voice behind bushes. Draco's heart leaped to his throat when he heard his voice being used in that tone, he thought it was his Father, and wiped his eyes on his already wet sleeve and stood up, looking around to see who emerges.
"Wh-whos there!" Draco called pulling out his wand slowly. "Show yourselves!" Draco's eyes scanning the area for any trace of movement or sound.
"Draco!" The voice called again from behind the boy. A pair of arms wrapped around his neck pulling him backwards into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize I beat you up. I'm so sorry I-"
"H-harry, y-y-you're chocking m-me" Draco said trying to escape from his tight grip around his neck. Harry immediately leg go of him, apologizing again and again while Draco caught his breath while rubbing his neck.
"I should probably go. I'm not helping. I almost chocked you." Harry spoke loudly from the rain, it was raining so hard and loud you had to practically shout to be able to hear whats going on.
"No! Wait! I'm sorry!" Draco shouted grabbing onto his robe.
"Why! I beat you up! And I called you an insufferable git and had no idea what happened while I was 'hypnotized'" Harry shouted startled by Draco apologizing.
"Well, I wouldn't say you beat me up, you got into a fight with me and, one person has to loose, and that just so happens to be the out numbered person!" Draco shouted embarrassed that he got beaten up. Harry looked at him with a look as to say 'really?'.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I didn't know!" Harry shouted on the verge of breaking down thinking he'd caused such destruction.
"Its not your fault! As you said, you were hypnotized, you didn't know what you were doing!" Draco yelled putting his wand into his pocket.
"Why are you forgiving me?" Harry shouted with sorrow in his eyes. Draco gave him a weak sweet smile and shouted.
"Because I'm a forgiving person!" Harry looked at him with a lopsided smile.
"Since when have you ever been forgiving?" Harry teased shivering from the cold.
"You can't say much. Remember the start of year?" Draco shouted smiling gently back.
"Okay, that was one time!" Harry said remembering that day on the train.
"Oh yeah? What about in first year? When you turned down my friendship!?" Draco yelled crossing his arms in triumph.
"Ok, you can't use this against me Malfoy." Harry shouted giggling discretely. "Lets go inside!" He shouted gesturing the castle.
"You go ahead, I like sitting here, it helps me clear my head!" Draco shouted turning to sir back in his space. I can't just leave him, not after what I did. Harry made his way over to Draco seated on the wet grass, he sat down next to him, really closely, so closely he could feel his warm breath from the freezing weather. The rain started to clear up into smaller raindrops and lighter, so you didn't have to shout as you speak.
Harry and Draco were sat in silence watching each others reflections ripples from the few raindrops dripping down, they never realized they were actually watching each others reflections until Harry looked at Draco. Draco jumped in realization that he'd just been watching Harry Potter's reflection for the past 10-15 minutes. The Slytherin awkwardly turned his head the opposite direction to cause any type of eye contact with the Gryffindor. Harry noticed he had made him uncomfortable and turned to face the other way. He didn't know how long he was going to be there for, but didn't ask, Harry was getting colder and colder and ended up snuggling into Draco for warmth. Draco froze and tensed by Harry snuggling into him, he looked down at the smaller boy, staring at him shocked until the brunette noticed what he was doing.
"I-I I'm so sorry, I was c-cold" Harry said shivering backing away from Draco. Draco smiled weakly and wrapped his arm around Harrys waist and pulled him in closer to his chest. Harry smiled to Draco's touch and put his hand on his chest while his head leaning on his shoulder, the two creating a warm sensation between themselves, they sunk into each others embrace and had in fact almost fell asleep on one another.
"W-whats the time?" Harry said looking up at Draco without moving his head.
"Uhm, tempo!" Draco shouted getting his wand with a flash of orange light. "3:27" Draco said getting to his feet. Harry stood up shaking all the muck off him and shivering from being removed from the warmth.
"We should head back now." Draco spoke softly and started walking to the castle followed by Harry.
"Y-yeah" Harry said side by side with Draco.

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