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Snape was holding Harry in his arms like you would hold your significant other.
"I believe this is yours" and put Harry on the floor, who was calmy sleeping . "Take him to the hospital wing" and snape went inside his classroom like it was the most normal thing in the world. Right as that happened it was time for classes.
"Hermione, Ron, the least I could do is take care of him because you don't wanna be late to your classes." Draco said limping over to Harry and used a levitating charm to pick him up, since he doesn't have the strength, he could barely walk himself.
"Ok thanks Draco, we will see you shorty.!" Hermione said dragging Ron to there next lesson, transfiguration. While Ron was making faces of annoyance and offensiveness. What am I going to do with you Harry. Wait. Hermione and Ron just came out of the hospital wing, and, already starting lessons...
Draco pushed the Gryffindor to the hospital wing until stopped by madam Pomfrey.
"Where did Miss. Granger and Mr. Weasley go?" She asked looking at Harry.
"Well, Hermione kinda didn't want to miss classes, and Ron had homework and thought they should get on with there normal, routine?" Draco said gingerly.
"Right well, they should have and" she asked pointing at Harry. "What happened here?"
"Harry got the same effect as Ron and Hermione" Draco said pushing Harry forward to Pomfrey.
"Ok well I will leave him here" Draco took off the spell and Madam Pomfrey carried him to a free bed. "You can go to class-"
"Actually, I wanted to stay here, with him, If thats ok?" The blonde asked slowing down. Madam Pomfrey hesitated before allowing him to stay.
"He will be asleep for about 2-3 days?" Draco nodded as Madam Pomfrey walked out an closed the curtains surrounding Harrys bed. Im sorry Harry, for being a pain the last time you saw me. I'm sorry for being horrible to you those past years. I'm just so sorry for everything. Draco thought while sitting on his bed. I think I, love you, Golden boy. He gently leaned into Harry and pushed his lips against Harrys forehead, the blonde starting playing with the raven haired boys messy hair. Before trailing his hand to his cheek to caress it gently. I wish you would wake up sooner. He curled up next to the smaller boy wrapping his arm around Harry and nuzzling into the crook of his neck before falling asleep.

Draco woke up to whispering, he slowly opened his eyes and looked to the side of him. Ron and Hermione where stood watching them. He jumped up away from Harry and straightened up.
"W-wasn't expecting you here Gra-Hermione and R-Ron" He said stupidly while fixed his hair.
"We weren't expecting you to be cuddling with Harry." Said Ron sniggering flickering between the two.
"I-I, W-Well, uhm, y-you see-" before Draco could finish explaining he was pulled into a hug. He willing hugged back. Am I really getting hugged by a Weasley? If Father hears about this I could get kicked out the house. Ron released the Slytherin and patted him on the back.
" 'Mione got into my head. Any friend of Harrys is a friend of mine." Ron said with a genuine smile on his face. Draco gently smiled back, before Rons expression turned more sympathetic.
"I'm sorry about the misunderstanding earlier, with the um" The ginger motioned all of Draco's body referring to him supposedly injuring the Blonde and smiled awkwardly. "If you get what I mean mate." Draco nodded still feeling limp.
"Yeah, I'm sorry" Ron rubbed the back of his neck.
"Don't worry about it bro, it was nothing." Draco said remembering all the times his Father had put him under the cruciatus curse, many other spells and potions.
"Nothing! If Snape didn't stop Harry you could have broken you're leg!" Said Hermione slightly worried why he would say that.
"Its nothing. Besides. Madam Pomfrey could fix a broken leg in a heartbeat." Draco nodded in the direction to where Pomfrey was usually but had left for dinner.
"I guess, well, I think we should get something to eat!" Hermione motioned the exit.
"I can't walk in with you. Uhm, I don't want my Father hearing about this.." Draco said shivering out of fear.
"I thought you're favorite line was 'wait till my Father hears about this'?" Ron said teasing him, Hermione punched him gently on the shoulder.
"I understand, Draco, but can we spend some time with Harry? Alone?" Hermione asked walking closer to Harrys bed.
"Sure, I'm gonna go to dinner then, cya" Draco made his way to the exit.
"Cya mate"
Draco slid through the curtains surrounding Harrys bed and gracefully limping through the door. Ive got to get used to calling Granger and Weasley by there first names. I don't wanna even imagine what it would be like if Father found out we made a truce. But what about Harry?! I will be dead for sure if he finds out anything about that.

Once Draco entered the great hall he saw Pansy looking up like a meerkat and bounded over to the blonde.
"Draco where have you been all day! Ive been worried sick!" Pansy yelled mothering him around while fixing his hair.
"Ive been fine" Draco said pushing his friends hands off him.
"Where. Were. You" Pansy said getting annoyed. Draco sighed knowing he can't leave without saying and surrendered.
"I was with Potter. Happy?" And strutted over to the Slytherins table and sat down with the rest if his troops. Pansy followed behind and sat down without another word.

The next day, Draco was in Divination. The most boring subject ever. Professor Trelawney was walking over to every desk asking questions about what they see. There was a silver dish in front of Draco and his partner Tracy Davis whom Draco didn't really like because she was all over him and had a huge crush on the boy. Draco wasn't paying attention to anything and went off into his own trance before.
"What about you dear boy?" Trelawney came up to Draco and Tracys desk.
"What?" Draco jumped at how she had got from one end of the room to the other in a matter or seconds.
"What colour is the liquid in the dish" Trelawney said peering into the dish.
"Uhm" Draco looking into the dish blankly and stared at it for about a minute before answering "its clear, its water" He said looking at her boredly. She gave a forced smile and waved her hand over the dish.
"Now what do you see?" She said pulling her hand away and glancing at Draco again.
Draco stared at the water again
"Oh, wait, I think I see something!" Draco said looking surprised at the water.
"Mmm, what is it?" Trelawney said getting excited.
"Water." Draco looked at Trelawney with boredom and his eyes half shut like he was about to go to sleep. Trelawney nodded smiling in annoyance before leaving his desk to the front of the class.
"Hahahahaha, Draco!! Your so funny!" Tracy said with a huge smile showing her buck teeth. Draco looked at her in disgust as she edged closer and twisted her arm around his arm.
"Oh how I wish we could be paired for the ball! You could have taken me in a horse carriage, we could have re written Cinderella! We could be married and have 2 beautiful children. We will live in a happy marriage all thanks to the ball!" Tracy said dreamily resting her head on Draco's shoulders inches away from his face.
"You see, the ball only puts together people who have a chance" Draco drifted off remembering he was partnered with Harry.
"Yes well, I love you, you love me, were the perfect match!" Tracy said stroking his hair, she leaned into Draco's lips closing her eyes. When Draco realized she was trying to kiss him she backed up quickly falling off the bench they were at.
"Psychopath! I don't love you! Stop trying! You almost stole my first kiss! How dare you!" Draco stood up in anger before being weighed down onto the floor again.
"Nooo! Sweetie pie! Don't leave! I love you! I'm sorry, please give me a kiss! On the cheek." She leaned in closer to Draco whom was getting really annoyed.
"NO! IM NOT KISSING YOU!" The whole class was staring at them before Trelawney pulled them apart and asked them to stop flirting.
"ME? FLIRTING? WITH HER! Oh please! I can do better than that. Shes needy, desperate, clingy, ugly and scary. I don't see how a superior like myself could flirt with such filth like her!" Draco spat crossing his arms and looking into the other direction pouting. Tracy teared up and ran out of the classroom in the nick of time. The lesson was over, and Draco didn't have to deal with her, until he was back in the common room.

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