Ginny Weasley

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The following morning Harry woke up early to visit Ron and Hermione, skipping breakfast, he thought he didn't spend that long with them yesterday he would make up for it and see if they have improved. I hope they will wake up soon I'm pretty lonely with out them, Neville isn't interesting in a lot of subjects unless its plants, Seamus and Dean constantly hang out since there dating, I guess I could see Ginny, after she confessed to me it kinda separated us. Yeah, I will hang out with Ginny until they wake up, maybe we could try being more than friends? Who knows, right, lets go find Ron and Hermione.

Once Harry had got to the hospital wing he slowed down to open the huge heavy door, but stopped because he heard, someone crying. It couldn't have been Ron and Hermione, they were still asleep. Should I go? Harry thought, but didn't being the curious Gryffindor he is.

"GINNY?!" Harry yelled opening the door to find Ginny weasley sitting on a bed with a younger raven haired girl laying on the bed, she looked up with blood shot eyes tired from crying "What happened! Are you okay?" Harry asked rushing over to her holding her hand.
"Harry! Its my best friend, madam Pomfrey said she doesn't-" before bursting into tears and hugging Harry tightly.
"Doesn't what?" He whispered gently hugging the younger girl back. Ginny sniffed trying to calm down.
"She d-d-does-doesn't doesn't doesn't" she sighed calming down slightly "doesn't think she can m-make it!" Before going back into crying her eyes out soaking Harry's robes.
"Oh Ginny!"he said sympathetically squeezing her reassuringly. "Do you wanna do something before classes start to take your mind off this?" Harry asked still knowing he was only there to see Ron and Hermione.
"Thanks Harry, I would love to!" She said still sniffing while grabbing a near by tissue.
"Okay, we still have" Harry looked over at the huge cloak above the door. "2 and a half hours until class start for me. What about you?" Harry said, he had so much time because he has a free period and woke up early.
"Same here" she said wiping her eyes on the tissue.
"Alright then, we can go to Hagrid's? Or the black lake?" Harry said taking her hand and walking towards the door.
"I'm not going to Hagrid's, he lives in a hut, sorry, thats too dirty!" Ginny said leading the way, also looking like she forgot about her soon going to be dead friend. Bit suspicious. Or she didn't care about her friend?
"Oh, well, Hagrid is a very nice person when you get to kno-"
"No! I said no!" Ginny snapped interrupting him. "I have the perfect place! Follow me" she giggled while skipping slightly, Harry being dragged along falling deeper into what he thought, love.

"You can open your eyes now!" She said in a sing song voice.
Harry opened his eyes slowly to see flaming red trees with orange highlights, bushy leaves covering most of the sky, but if you looked right down the end you could see a blended morning sky of orange, yellow, and blue which fitted in with its surroundings, a royal red fox rustling across the yellowish leaved ground, until transforming into a neon orange rabbit. The morning sun shining through the trees gave a red glowing effect, blinding Harry to come back to reality.
"Ginny-" Harry whispered looking around still.
"Its- Its" he looked at her and she was holding one arm to show vulnerability. "Its beautiful!" He said with tears of joy in his eyes. "How ever did you find this place?" He said still looking around in amazement.
"My friend showed me this place" She said placing one foot in front of the other and twisting it one the spot lifting the heal of her foot upward.
"You ok?" Harry noticed Ginny's nervousness and stepping towards her.
"Hm, oh yeah, I'm fine!" She said automatically shoving her hand in her pocket to look for something. Harry didn't take much notice of it and walked closer.
"Ginny, you know you can tell me anything! I wont judge! Promise." He said picking up her hand and squeezing it.
"I'm sorry Harry" she said slowly pulling out her hand and hiding it behind her back. Harry noticed looking intrigued.
"About what?" He said trying to look over her shoulder.
"For this" she pulled her hand out from behind her back quickly and shoved it onto Harrys mouth covering him from screaming and slowly falling asleep. Now it will be just you and me! No Malfoy!! Just you and me, like it used to be, we will be in love forever! I love you Harry.

Draco was in Potions starring at Snape blabbering on about the small things people miss while making Potions, until. Harry came bursting through the door with messy hair as usual but extremely messy, like he'd just been through bushes backwards. His robes where all scruffy as well, but something felt off about him to Draco and decided to stick his nose in it.
"Potter! Why are you late!" Snape screamed at Harry, while Harry sat down in his seat next to Draco.
"I lost track of time professor" Harry said with no emotion on his voice or stuttering like he would when he would encounter Snape.
"50 points! No excuses!" Snape cursed and waved his wand to shut the door Harry left open. "Anyway, like I was saying." Snape continued talking.
"Potter! Potter!" Draco whispered angrily.No answer. " Harry.." he whispered looking at him anxiously.
"What?" Said Harry realizing that it was Malfoy.
"Ugh Malfoy, I don't have time for you! Leave me alone!" Harry said frowning and giving him dirty looks.
"I'm beg your pardon! Potter, for your information, I may have been a little selfish yesterday but I'm over it and wanted to apologize, not get into another argument!" Draco whispered furiously while looking back and forth to Snape and Harry.
"I don't care what you have to say to me! I have a girlfriend! I love her very much, so stay out of it, I'm dancing with her not filth like yourself." Harry spat while looking to Snape and back to the blonde.
"Okay, ouch, but I didn't ask if you had a girlfriend, and frankly don't care." Draco said but did care that he had got a girlfriend, and feeling his heart ache slightly.
"I don't care Malfoy! Leave me alone!" Harry spar looking over at Snape. Thats it, Potters doing my head in now. He looked at Harry and noticed his eyes. Potter has green eyes, now there..... BLACK?! Nonononono , this can't be happening, I need to tell Snape, I knew something was off. He acted so different, and nasty. I bet this person done the same with Weasley and Granger. I need to tell Snape after classes.

Draco was on his way from Charms to find Snape when he came to a sudden stop. His heart stopped beating for a minute, he felt like he had just been stabbed in the chest and his heart had just been pulled out. This was the worst pain he had ever felt. What is this? Why am I feeling like this! It hurts. Stop! STOP! No, I'm not crying, Malfoy's don't cry, stop it! It hurts! NO!! Whats happening to me?Draco turned on his heel about to cry his eyes out and ran into the black lake leaving. Ginny and Harry making out with Ginnys hand ruffled in his already messy hair and leg wrapped around Harrys waist.

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