Dance partners

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Back in the Gryffindor common room, Harry sat down next to Hermione. She looked pretty happy. Maybe she got a good partner
"Hey 'mione, you look happy, did you get a good dance partner?" Harry asked exhaustedly
"Hello Harry, i guess you could say that.." Hermione looked down at her red and yellow socks shyly.
"Well don't just leave me hanging, who'd you get?!" Harry asked impatiently
"Promise me you wont tell Ron, he will go crazy" Hermione said quietly.
"Of course, i don't want you to tell Ron who i got either..." Harry said embarrassed
"I wont, lets both say who we got on the count of 3?"
"Yeah, sure"
"Draco Malfoy"
"Pansy Parkinson"
They said simultaneously
"Oh my-"
"I know Hermione, is Pansy good at dancing? You seemed happy with your partner, if your happy I'm happy"Harry said friendly
"Oh Harry, thank you, i mean, Ive never really seen her dance, or spoken to her about it, but i know Malfoy's a decent dancer"
Harry moaned at the thought of that
"Why, is that a bad thing?" Hermione asked
"YES, god Hermione, sorry, sorry, its just" Harry sighed
"Im not exactly the best dancer?" Harry looked down at his feet.
"Well Malfoy can teach you? You can go to dance practice" Hermione said cheerfully
"No i cant, Hermione, if i say i would like to do dance practice he isnt just going to say, ok Harry lets go to dance practice! He's going to ask me why and then realize that I cant dance! Ive already let slip that im bisexual!"
"Oh Harry, you haven't, he would tell so many people!"
"I thought the same until"
"Harry. What. Happened" Hermione was dead serious
" he kinda said the same sorta thing back?" Harry's voice going higher by each word
"What do you mean" Hermione knew exactly what he mean but she was just making sure before coming to conclusions.
"Well, he said he's.... gay....."
"Oh, right, well" Hermione had no idea what to say.
"At least he wont tell anyone"
"I guess, but what should i say to dance practice?" Harry said impatiently
"Well i would just give him the truth-"
"NOOO" Harry stood up rubbing his temples
"Ok fine. But he's going to find out sooner or later.."
"No he wont, Malfoy's not smart"
"Right okay then, i guess you could say you need preparation for the ball, as your dancing first."Hermione said thoughtfully
"Right yeah, i will, thanks Hermione" Harry said making his way over to the boys dorms staircase.
"Bye mione"
"Bye." Hermione stood up making her way over to the girls dorms staircase.

In the Slytherin common room, Draco walked in looking around to see if anyone was there, only a bunch of third years he had no clue who they were and Pansy and Blaise. Pansy was sat up smiling, what's gotten into her thought Draco, ugh, she's probably got a good partner and is coming to mock me about having Potter as a partner. Blaise was leant back in the chair spread out with his eyes closed, he looked exhausted, well looks like Pansy has probably told Blaise all about her partner and died of boredom. Draco tried to sneak past to go upstairs when Pansy spotted him and jumped up screaming
"Dray Dray!!" Pansy ran over held his hand and ran back over to the sofa. Wow thought Draco now i HAVE to listen to her going in about her partner for hours.
"You wont believe who my Partner is!" Pansy screeched
"Wow, im dying to know, do tell me more my dear friend." Draci said sarcastically
"Oh haha, this. Is. Serious business Dray"
"Don't call me that" Draco said with a disgusted look
"No, i will call you what i want" Pansy said sneering
Draco knew if you argued with her you would get hurt. So he decided to keep his mouth shut
"Anyway, my partner is......Hermione Granger!!!" Pansy said standing up doing a wiggle
"Wow, didn't see that coming" Draco leant back rolling his eyes at Pansy's cringy dancing
"You need to know what happened today!" Pansy gasped sitting back down with her hand on his knee
"Uhm, no. I dont" Draco said with his eye brows raised and looking at the green fire
"I don't care about your opinon!"
Pansy mumbled on what seemed like hours she was probably describing her whole life to be honest. Draco wasn't listening to her, he was too mesmerized by the green fire. He always admired this fire, it would turn on at 8 o'clock and off when the last person left the common room. He liked the little swishes it gave making a pretty pattern or a snake, he could hear the crackling of the fire over the top of Pansy describing her life. It sounded so comforting and warm. He was just about to close his eyes when he felt a hard shake on him.
"Jeez Parkinson, be gentle, like Potter" Draco went off into a little day dream when he said Potter. Pansy gently punched him on the shoulder to get him out of his little fantasy about Potter.
"Hey, had fun dreaming about Potter!" Pansy smirked
Draco felt himself go red, lost for words he said the first thing that came to his mind
"Why of course Parkinson, you just woke me up to tell me that!" Draco realized what he said and knew that he wasn't allowed go leave without telling her every single detail.
"Okay sorry Dray" She wasn't at all
"So your partner is... im guessing Potter?" Pansy said winking
"Yes, it is" Draco said looking at the entrance to the Slytherin common room.
"So, you said Potter, shook you?" Pansy said slightly confused.
"Fine. Im only going to tell you only because i know the consequences if I don't."
"Too damn correct Draco. Tell me" Pansy said getting into a comfortable position, with her head leaned again Draco's chest looking up at him with a fan girl expression.

After Draco had told the short story, he looked down at Pansy who was still sitting there with the biggest smile he has ever seen on her. She got up and was going on again, mumbling loudly.
"Im sorry, what" Draco said clearly confused
"We will be taking you and Blaise shopping down at Hogsmeade for dress robes, you must look your best for your boyfriend!"
Draco's eyes widened
"I am NOT Potty's BOYFRIEND!" Draco said angrily standing up.
"Not yet." Pansy said winking
"What about you and Granger then?"
"What about us?" Pansy said mockingly
"You two dating yet!?" Draco said thinking it would get to her
"No, not yet at least" Pansy said slightly disappointed
"Damn i just cant get to you!" Draco said frustrated
"No, you really cant" Pansy said smiling evilly as she walked over to Blaise to wake him up.
Pansy shook his shoulders gently looking over her own shoulder to see Draco shaking his head with his arms crossed.
"How come he got shook gently eh?" Draco said fusing his eye brows together.
Pansy, not taking her eye sight off the frustrated boy, shook the other boy harder until he woke up yelling
"FOR FUCKS SAKE, CHRIST PARKINSON!!!!" Blaise was fuming
Draco had a smug face. While Pansy made a little giggle and skipped up to her dorm.
"The the fuck was that all about.." Blaise said worriedly.
"What was what about?" Draco said actually confused
Blaise copied her giggle but changed it into a mocking one.
"Where did that come from!!" Blaise said pointing to the girls dorms
"Come on, it's Pansy what did you expect?" Draco said shaking his head slightly
"I guess, come on, lets get some sleep" Blaise said walking up to the boys dorms
"Yeah" Draco followed


The next day in Potions, Harry and Draco sat next to each other. So Harry decided that he had to tell Draco about dance practice but didn't have the courage to tell him, which was saying something since, he's defeated Voldemort as a baby, tackled a troll, battled a Basilisk, dodged a werewolf, beat dementors and is about to battle a dragon. If he couldn't ask a simple question, what type of Gryffindor was he?! He was forbid to talk during Potions with Professor Snape, and the other Gryffindor's, so he tore off a corner of his paper and wrote

Meet me at the black lake 4pm

It was Harrys last lesson so he would be meeting him in an hour. He scrunched it up and slowly moved his hand towards Draco's desk, Draco noticed looking up from his work with a questioning look, Harry looked away dropping the note and carried on with his work.
Draco looked at the note, checked to see where Snape was, he was at his desk being angry as always while grading papers. He quickly grabbed it and held it under the table while reading it

Meet me at the black lake 4pm

Draco was confused looking up to look at Harry, who, was looking back at him with a pleading sort of expression. Draco nodded as in to say 'okay' and got back onto his work putting the note into his pocket.

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