Who's your partner?

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That coming weekend, Draco, Pansy, Blaise,Theodore, Pike and Millicent to go 'shopping' as Pansy said . Draco did actually need dress robes for the yule ball and was seen as the most feminine boy of the group, which, Draco was furious about. Pansy had wanted to choose a dress but since Theodore and Millicent are a couple, they will be spending most their time with each other, thus, Draco WILL be going dress shopping with Pansy. It was currently Friday morning in the great hall, everyone was having breakfast. Draco didn't realize that Pansy was in fact rambling on about her choice of dress, but instead of listening to her he was in his own kind of trance. When did Potter suddenly become stage frightened. He's been shoved to talk to strangers and put on the front page too many times to count! A little ball isn't going to throw him off, surely? He might be hiding something! Draco scanned the room for Potter but couldn't see him. Damn it Potty, where are you?! He saw Weasley and Granger sat having there breakfast, Ron still looking angry from being paired up with Blaise. Come on Weasley its not that bad dancing with a Slytherin, grow up. Why isn't Potter there, ugh. Whatever, like i care..
And Draco went back to pretending he knew what Pansy was saying, nodding every now and then, and finishing his breakfast.

Harry wasn't at breakfast because he was too busy talking with Rita Skeeter. They were having there photo taken as for the tri wizard tournament. Cedric nudged him with his elbow gently, Harry looked up at him he was at least a head taller than Draco, and nodded in the direction on Rita falling over. Harry let out a quiet giggle, and Cedric made a small laughing sniff and tried covering it up by coughing.
"Something funny boys" Rita said straightening out her clothes and bringing out the quill. Harry shook his head slowly and discretely. After taking the photo she shook all of there hands while saying
"Im Rita Skeeter, which you probably already know, if you that we don't know" she said smiling.
"Right, well, i need a quick interview with all of you, who should we start with" just as she finished that she grabbed Harrys arm and said
"Lets start with the youngest shall we!"
She pulled him into a small cupboard and looked at him with a dreamy look, which Harry made him feel uncomfortable
"So, of course, your the most famous one out of the participants thus more important!" She said flicking her quill on his nose and walking to sit down and Harry followed with his eye brows fused together.
"So, tell me, whats it like being so young and wanting all this attention, golden boy" she said flicking her quill at him again, he pushed it down already getting annoyed and was about to speak up until.
"Would your parents like that you put you name in the cup, wanting more of a challenge this year, facing Voldemort in first year, second year, a basilisk and dementors not good enough?!" She said spitefully
"Hey! I didn't ask for this to happen i just-"
"Yeah, yeah" she said getting bored, Harrys eye brows still closed together.
"Everyone loves a rebel Harry" she said smirking and winking. Harry was getting annoyed pretty quickly and was thinking about leaving.
"The yule ball's coming up! Who is the lucky girl Potter?" She said knowing that there were assigned partners. Now Harry was annoyed, he hated Skeeter, now she was invading his personal life, like he ever had a personal life, with the whole wizarding world knowing who he is.
"That is secret" He said trying to state he wanted to leave.
"Ah, who cares! The daily profit would want to hear, tell me!" He leaned in closely with her quill also leaning in closer to Harry.
"Im. Not. Telling. You!" He almost yelled. He shifted back a bit, she was so close he could feel her breath of him. Skeeter got annoyed to but since he couldn't do any harm to him because they were in Hogwarts, she dismissed him.


Harry was walking to Charms with Ron and was still pissed at being paired with a Slytherin.
"Hey mate, i forgot to ask, whose your partner?" Ron said curiously.
"No one important" Harry said but knew that Draco was very special to him, but didn't know at the same time.
"Come on mate, i wont be mad promise" Ron said patting him on the back. Harry got confused, he didn't know whether to tell him or not, he figured, if he was really his best friend he wouldn't mind. But then realized how much of a deal he was making it.
"Someone, from...... Hufflepuff?" Harry said looking away from Ron.
"Name?" Ron walked in front of him and stopped.
"Ron were going to be late to Charms we need to hurry up!" Harry said moving out the way of his friend.
"Right well, don't think you've gotten out of this conversation" Ron said quickly following behind.

After Charms, in the great hall

"So Harry" Ron turned to face his friend.
"Tell me about this person from Hufflepuff?" Ron's focus not leaving Harrys face.
"What person from Hufflepuff?" Said Hermione being nosy.
"Harrys dance partner is from Hufflepuff, didn't he tell you!?" Ron said looking at Hermione, who was looking between the two confused. Harry looked at Hermione as to say 'just go with it'
"Oh, he said his dance partner was from Hufflepuff, but didn't give me a name either.." Hermione looking at Harry thinking she might of saved Harry.
"Well tell us, don't leave us hanging!" Ron said impatiently.
"Are they boy or girl, whats their hair color, eye color, are they friends with us, are they-"
"Their name is Hannah Abbott!" Harry lied.
"Abbott?!" Ron said with a disgusting look on his face.
"At least its a girl, then it cant be that bas right? i wanna know who Malfoy got paired with! No one would want to dance with scum like himself!" Ron laughed at himself. Hermione looked at Harry to see if he was hurt, Harry knee he could not tell Ron he was partnered with Malfoy.
Harry knew the best thing to do was the talk to Draco about this. Harry said he needed to go to the bathroom and left to find Draco. He saw he wasn't in the great hall and tried to find his friends instead, which, they weren't hard to find. Harry ran over to Pansy and asked where Malfoy was.
"Whyyy do you wanna know Pottah" she said booping him on the nose.
"I need to talk to him about the thing." Harry got slightly embarrassed because he had no other reason to talk to Draco.
"Right, well, he's just gone to Snapes so you might catch him" She said winking.
"Ok, thanks bye!" Harry ran to Snape's room but ran straight into Ron.
"Ah, sorry Ron!" And tried to shuffle past them.
"Where are you going? Bathrooms are that way" Ron said pointing in the opposite direction.
"Yes, but, i need to um, uh" Harry was lost for words.
"He's just going to the library, aren't you Harry?" Hermione said answering for him and smiling.
"Yes! Haha, thats. What im. Doing. Yes. Bye!" Harry said awkwardly and ran off trying to not bump into people.

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