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After Harry took Hermione and Ron to the hospital wing by himself, he was going to go get some flowers and cards because he over heard Snape saying that they could be asleep for a week. Harry needed to go to Hogsmeade tomorrow weekend anyway, because he did in fact need some dress robes and shoes for the ball. His first dance practice was that coming Monday and needed preparing.

Sunday September 27th

Draco was in the great hall eating breakfast with Blaise and Theo. Blaise had gotten into a deep conversation with Draco and Theo who didn't exactly care what he was saying, but respected that Blaise didn't know that don't care, and simply nodded and 'mm'ed. Draco pushed his bowl forward to show he was going to leave when he looked over to the Gryffindor table and scanned looking for Potter. Once again, he wasn't there, he hasn't eaten in at least 2 days that I'm aware of. Damn you Potter! When I find you, I will force it out why you're not at breakfast and dinner anymore! He quickly got up and left with Pansy, Pike and Millicent. They headed down to the Slytherin common room to get dressed and wait for Theo and Blaise.
"You going to get anything for your boyfriend Drayyy." Pansy wrapped her arm around Draco's looking at him in a mocking dreamy look.
"Shove off Parkinson!" He sneered pulling his arm away.
"Im sorry, did I miss some gossip?!" Millicent said with a high pitched voice wrapping her arm around Draco's.
"Yes!" Pansy and Draco said simultaneously. "Oh Millie! You don't know! Draco's partnered with Potter!!!" She squealed, Draco was edging closer to Pike who nudged him closer to the girls who were on the verge of having a screaming fit.
"WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?" Millie leaped at Draco clinging onto him like a koala.
"Same day everyone got assigned there partners." He said with a bored expression. Millie let go of Draco, held his hand and started running to the common room with Draco being a baby and pulling backwards from Millicent, not using all his strength, to show he didn't appreciate being pulled half way across the castle with everyone watching. Pansy and Millie were blabbering on about how there going to set up a date for them and all sorts when Draco's attention turned to Pike.
"Its true?" Pike said winning his attention. "Your actually gay!?" He spoke with a disgusted and amused face.
"What makes you think that." Draco said sarcastically.
"Nows not the time for sarcasm Malfoy." He said yanking him out if Millie's grip. "Are you gay?" Draco had never seen Pike so serious. He was usually the more playful one.
"Would it be a problem if I was?" He said angrily
"Uhm, is your head in the cloud or something? Of course?! Gay people make me sick as fuck! You cannot be gay for Potter, right? It would be just a phase!" Pike said disgust written all over his face. "Im sorry, Pike, you son of a bitch, I don't need you looking into my sexuality, okay? And the answer is no. It would not be a problem if i were gay! And i do NOT fancy Potter!" Draco spat giving him a death look, showing Pike not to mess with him.
"R-right, well, i-its just my opinion. I mean-" Draco gave another glare at the boy, to show him to shut up.

At Hogsmeade

Pike and Millicent went off into Honeydukes leaving Blaise, Draco, Pansy and Theo.
"So, you, are coming with me," Pansy pointed at Draco, who, sighed looking sympathetically at Blaise and Theo who where sniggering at him.
"Bye guys, catch ya at 2!" She pulled Draco's hand along. "Cya" Blaise said still recovering from laughing.
"Right, dresses! Come Dray" Pansy said demandingly. Draco had no chance of getting out of this he sighed again and accepted his fate. He pulled him into Gladrags Wizardwear to find a dress with compatible colour's. Draco stood staring at his friend with his arms crossed and an eye brow raised.
"We can go somewhere you like after we finish doing what I like, kay?" She said with a warming smile. "Thank you!" Draco uncrossed his arms throwing them in the air. Pansy went back to looking for dresses, and Draco sat down on a black leather square seat, it wasn't huge, but big enough to fit a 14 year old boy on. Pansy was holding 5-7 dresses in her arms and skipped to Draco.
"Which one do you think, this green one or" she was rummaging looking for the other dress " this green one, or this green one" she gasped picking up one that just fell onto the floor " this one is gorgeous, look Draco!" Draco looked up at a short dark and light green dress, with the light green in a thin line at the bottom of the dress and around the sleeves and neck, with silky dark green fabric for the rest of the dress. "Sure, sure, looks nice, I guess." He said standing up
"Im going to get this one, be right back!" She dumped the rest of her dresses into Draco's arms and went in the line to pay for it. Draco went to put them all back putting them all in there right full places. He stepped backwards only to crash into someone. "Watch it-" he said turning around. "Potter." He stood still not taking his eyes off him.
"Hello to you to. Draco." Harry said staring at him as well "where you looking at dresses?" Harry said teasingly "you would suit a dress!"
"Excuse me! Potter! I was putting back dresses for Pansy" Draco turned in a strop to go back to Pansy when he felt a hand on his shoulder he looked over his right shoulder.
"Im sorry, Draco, i don't know why you're upset with me, but, this is going to be very difficult if you hate me." Draco saw his vulnerable face and part of him would have made fun of him, but the majority wanted to apologize.
"Look, Potter, I'm. Sorry." He sighed looking over to Pansy to see where she was in the queue, she was just paying. "But I've got to go, Pansys waiting" and started making his way over to his friend.
"Oh right, cya Monday." And Harry walked over to find his dress robes.
"Okay, i bought these now, so, we can go to where ever you wanna go now." She said her voice getting duller by each word.
"You don't need to ask me twice! But first, I need dress robes uh, wait outside." Draco said pushing her out the shop.
"What?! Why?! I wanna help you!" The brunette said getting a little moody.
"Uhh, because, it will only take a minute." And he went into the shop to find his robes. He knew what he was looking for so it didn't take him long to find a black suit, with a clear white tie, and a silk black cloak that goes down to his ankles. Perfect. He got out 10 galleons and 20 knuts. He went to find Pansy who was sitting on a bench huffing every 30 seconds, what seemed like hour to her.
"Hey, Pans!" He said grabbing her arm and heading to The Three Broomsticks.

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