Spideypool pt 2

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Spider-Man was at it again, patrolling the city for any crimes to foil. Deadpool; his boyfriend, was tagging along and was being very annoying.
"Baby boy are we done yet?"

"What did I say about that nickname?"

"Um, you love it and want me to say it more."

"No, I said stop calling me that."

"Well that's no fun."

No crime happened that night so they turned in early.
"Stay over spidey, lets have a sleepover. Maybe I'll be able to see who's under that mask finally."

"You know I can't do that."

"Why?" Wade takes his mask off, "here's my face I'm not afraid to show it. Although little kids run away from it, that's why I wear the mask."

"But what if." He clenched his fist. "What if, we break up. I don't want you to tell everyone my identity."

"Ouch, I really felt that. I may be a maniac who kills crazier people than me, but I would never give up someone's secret identity." Wade looked hurt, his eyes beaded with small tears threatening to fall.

"Wade, I'm sorry. Please understand I didn't mean anything bad. I just, need to be sure about us."

"Baby boy, you can trust me." He hugged him tightly.

"Wade." He nudged him off playfully.

"Oh come on, you like it and you know it."

"Whatever, i gotta go. Ironman will kick my butt if I'm late."

"Alright." He kissed him through his mask.

Spider-Man finally got back to the compound, and met tony at the front door.
"Dad, I'm sorry I'm late."

"Out with Deadpool again?" He said annoyed.

"Um yeah. We um are dating."

"You what? How could you be dating that psycho? He doesn't know your face does he?" He rambled, anger building up.

"No, he doesn't know who I am, and he's not that bad really. I swear dad, I watched him for a long time, yeah he may kill people, but they were absolutely horrible people. Please don't say I'm not allowed to see him." He took his mask off pleading with his big brown eyes.

"Can we meet him?" Steve came walking in.

"Really? Steve you can't seriously believe him."

"Why not? Peter has never lied before, why would he now?"

"Ugh no he has lied before, he's done something's that I didn't know about." He rolled his eyes.

Steve pinched the bridge of his nose. "Anyhow, lets meet the boy, if he's dating peter, Well Spider-Man. I think we should know who he is."

"Well hello everyone."
They turn to see the red clad mercenary waving like a child.
"Wade." He fumbles to put his mask back on, but it was too late.

"Wow, you're even more beautiful than I imagined."

"Oh I already like him." Steve whispered to tony.
Peter put his mask on to hide his embarrassment, his face was on fire and knew his cheeks would be flushed with pink.

"Oh no, please let me see your face."

"It's embarrassing."

"What? That I called you beautiful?" Wade takes his mask off and scrunched up his nose and pouts. Peter simply nods.

"You are beautiful, adorable, cute, gorgeous."

"Stop it. It's so cheesy and embarrassing."
Tony and Steve couldn't help but chuckle at them.
"And my parents are still here, oh my god kill me."

"Wait they, are your parents?"

"Yeah they adopted me."

"I didn't even know they were married. Nice."

"Okay, i can tell you're a good guy, we can leave them be tony."

"I guess so, just don't do anything stupid."

"No promises." Wade said as he ripped peters mask off and peppered his face with kisses.

The young couple was in peters room, Wade was wandering around looking at everything.
"You have some cool stuff, I had no idea how much of a nerd you really were."

"Yeah and?"

"It's cute, my little nerd."

"Stop it wade." He blushed.

"So you gonna stay in your suit forever?"
Wade had actually brought regular clothes with him and changed already.
"Oh, ha I'll be right back."
He grabs some clothes and goes to his bathroom.

"Awe I don't get to see you get undressed?"

"N-no, Wade we've only been dating for a month."

"You're so shy, it's adorable."

"I'm gonna change now."

He comes back out in a plain white shirt and basketball shorts.
"Ohh, So you're wearing your white pants."

"What does that mean?"

"You're so innocent." He looks off to the side and smiled, "but you guys know what I'm talking about."
Peter sighed softly, he was still getting used to him talking to himself.

"So, can I stay the night? Or do i have to leave at midnight."

"You can stay, they won't mind."

"Yay." He tackled him to the bed, leaning over him he stared at his little spider.
"God, how can you be so beautiful?" Wade gushed.

"Wade." He covered his face.

"Nope, let me see your face." He pins his hands over his head.
"Believe me when I say, you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen."
He leans down and peppered kisses over his cheeks and forehead. Slowly making his way to plump lips that looked eager to be kissed.

They were inches away, peter was softly panting waiting for him to continue.
"Wade." He whimpers.

"Baby boy." He kissed him tenderly.
He let go of his wrist and cupped his face to deepen the kiss, peter wraps his arms around his neck getting close as possible.
"Peter." Wades voice was rough and low it sent shivers down his spine to hear his name like that.

"C-can we wait. I don't know if I'm ready yet."
Peters face was a blushing mess.

"Awe you're so cute, I just wanna eat you up."

"Wade." He pushes him off.

"I'm sorry, I won't do anything you're not comfortable with. We can go slow."

"Okay, lets get some sleep."
Wade wrapped himself around the smaller boy like a protective blanket, peter sighed warmly snuggling into his chest.

*soft fluff. Hope you enjoyed it.**

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