Stony pt2

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Smut? Who knows..

Tony was dancing in his room, as he was getting ready to go on a date with Steve.
"It's actually happening, I can't believe it." He checks himself out in the mirror, sporting a classy black suit with a red tie.
"Looking good."

Steve was in his room also getting ready, Nat walks in as he was looking at himself in the mirror.
"Got a hot date?"

"I do actually."

"Who's the lucky lady?"

"Um, it's Tony." He keeps his eyes on his reflection.

"You're going on a date with Tony, Tony stark?"

"Yes." He blushed softly.

"Wow. You know, that makes sense." She giggles.
He chuckled, knowing she didn't care who he dated, so long as he's happy.
"Does this look good?" He turns to her.

"You look handsome, Tony will love it."

"Okay. Guess I'll get going."

"Don't let him rip it off in five minutes." She laughs as he walks out, he waved goodbye without looking back.
Tony was standing in the living room, Steve nervously walked up to him.
"You ready?"

"Of course I am. You look real good in a suit Mr. rogers." He smiles softly.

"It's the first time ever wearing one." He admits.

"Damn, I feel so lucky to be the one you wear a suit for."

"Um, so where are we going?"

"First out to eat, and the rest is a surprise." Tony smiles.

They went to one of most extravagant restaurants in the city, Le Bernardin.
"Nice to see you again, Mr. Stark." The hostess smiled.

"Hi Sarah, how are you today?"

"I'm wonderful, your table is ready."
He leads Steve to a table that was in the corner by the window, slightly secluded from the rest of the tables.
"So, you come here often?" Steve raised an eyebrow.

"Every few weeks, it's great food."

"You bring a date all the time?"

"Mr. Rogers, are you jealous?" He teased.

"No, just curious." He blushed.

"I may have brought one or two dates here, but it's usually a place I like to visit solo." He picks up a menu and looks through, Steve did the same.
"Hello Mr. Stark, what will you have to drink?"

"A bottle of your 45' chateau, please."

"I'll be right back with that." She smiles softly.

"You sure know how to take someone out." Steve comments after she leaves.

"What can I say? I aim to impress."

"You don't need to impress me Tony, I've known you for a while, and I like you."

"I like you too, and I want to impress you." He gives a dashing smile, Steve blushed and continues to look at the menu.

After ordering, they enjoyed the ambiance of the restaurant, soft music was playing, and low chatter from other people.
The wine was delicious, but Steve could never get drunk.
"So, Steve, what made you like me?"

"Um, well, you were stubborn and hard to deal with at first, but I admire your confidence and determination to help people."

"You learned to deal with me, is that what you're saying?" Tony chuckled.

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