Merry klancemas

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It was Christmas tomorrow, Lance was decking the halls and decorating the chimney with stockings.
He was hosting a party and was preparing early.
"Okay, Hunk, pidge, Shiro, and Keith; if he bothers to show up, the hermit." He says as he counts the stockings.
He had turkey waiting in the fridge, it would be cooked tomorrow.
"Do I need anything else?" He looks around the room, all the decorations were up, in the kitchen; cans of beans, greens, potatoes, rolls, and such sat ready to be prepared.
"Looks good, now I have to get the presents out and the stocking stuffers."

Once everything was under the tree and stockings filled with little toys and candy, it was time to go to bed.
"Tomorrow is going to be amazing." He smiles as he drifted off to sleep.

A soft light pokes through the window and lance wakes up, bouncing out of bed. He opens the shades and sees fluffy snow on the ground, more flurries falling.
"It's a beautiful Christmas."
He has breakfast then takes a shower and dressed to impress.
Even though his guest wouldn't be showing up until later in the day, he wanted to wear his outfit now.

Snow white jacket and pants, with a soft blue shirt under the impressive jacket.
"Call me Jack Frost, because I'm cool." He stared at himself in the mirror, posing and of course taking pictures.
"I can't wait to see his face when he sees me in this outfit." He blushed softly, and felt a nervous sweat coming.
"Maybe I should change until it's time."

He sat around in sweats and an old shirt, watching tv to pass the time.
"I should start cooking at 1." He looks at the clock, it was 12:30.
A knock hits his door, he is surprised to see Hunk.
"Buddy, what are you doing here so soon?"

"Um, to help cook."

"I got it, what you don't trust me?"

"Lance, I love you. But the last time you tried to cook anything, was at the bbq and you burnt the corn."

"Hey, to be fair I was also being attacked by my little brother."

"Yeah but also I just love cooking." He smiles. brightly.

"Okay fine, you can cook the turkey, I'll prep the other stuff."

"Awesome. So long you don't burn the beans."

"Offended." He walks to the kitchen and hunk follows while giggling to himself.

Everything was ready, lance runs back to his room and gets dressed. Spraying cologne to make sure he doesn't smell like food.
"Oh yeah, looking good."
Hunk was inviting pidge into the living when he comes out.
"Wow, only you lance." She looks him up and down.

"I look good."

"You look like a snowman."

"I'm cool like Jack Frost."

"Keep telling yourself that." She laughs.

Soon another knock, it was Shiro, and behind him was Keith.
"Glad you could make it." He hugs Shiro and when he finally got a good look at Keith, he couldn't hold the gasp.
"Holy cow, Keith in a suit." Pidge voiced what lance was thinking.

"Shiro made me wear it." He finally looks up and sees lance; his white suit contrasting his black suit.
"Wow, you look, like a snowman." He covers his face with his hand, lance thought he was trying to not laugh, but really he was hiding his blush.

"That's what I said." Pidge laughs.

"You two are just jealous, I look good in this." He recovers from the shock of Keith, and struts into the living room.
More presents were added under the tree as everyone joins the room.
"I hope y'all are hungry." Hunk says.

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