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My latest ship is Alastor and Lucifer so here's this, it's set in Alastor's POV

Ever since the battle with heaven, Lucifer has been living at the hotel, he went so far as to make his own tower (far away from mine) and at first I ignored his presence, but lately I've caught myself staring at him and I don't know why.
He intrigues me, so I've been watching him from afar, he interacts with Charlie and the others, and helps the sinners find redemption.

"Hey, Alastor." I hear next to me but I don't look at him, I'm busy looking at Lucifer.
"Alastor." He raised his voice.

"Yes, angel?" I tilt my head to the side.

"You got a crush of Lucifer or something?"

"A what? No, I'm just watching him." I have no idea what he's talking about.
"Watching, right. And what kind of things are you thinking about, while watching the short king?"
Why does he insist on these questions?
"Angel, I haven't the faintest idea what you're going on about."

"You have a crush on Lucifer, you like him, romantically, right?"
Me? Like Lucifer? Romantically? I've never had such feelings for anyone even when I was alive. Such trivial things didn't matter to me.
"Come on Al, it's okay to admit that you like Lucifer. I sure would like to fuck him at least once."

"Ugh, angel I do not feel the things you do. Leave me alone." I vanish into the shadows and go to my room.
There is no way I would develop, feelings. For Lucifer of all people, not a chance.
I busy myself with tidying up my room, I didn't realize until now how messy it was.

Suddenly someone knocks on the door, I have a bad feeling about it.
I open the door and Lucifer is standing there.
"Hi, you probably weren't expecting me."

"Not really."

"Right, well angel told me, he was very persistent that I check on you."
Of course he was, the little tramp.
"I'm fine, your highness. I don't know why angel sent you, but I'm fine." I say confidently, he plays with his hair and the way it falls has me watching every inch of movement. The word cute pops in my mind. Why do I think he's cute?

"Alastor, you sure you're okay?" My train of thought derailed and I look at him again.
"Yes, just peachy."

"Okay." He was turning to leave but stops and looks at me again, "you know, I want us to be friends. After everything you've done, for the hotel, for Charlie, I trust you."

"A touching sentiment, I was simply doing my job."

"Job or not, thank you, for all that you do."
I watch him walk away, and I feel my chest pounding. Odd my heart shouldn't be beating, yet I feel the pumps against my rib cage.
I go in search of Husker, he should know how to rationalize this problem.

I find him at the bar, of course.
"Hello Husker, my good man."

"What do you want?"

"I have a question for you. If you supposedly developed, feelings, loosely phrasing. What would that feel like?"

"Um, what?"

"How do you know what romantic feelings are?"
He blushed bright red and drops eye contact.
"Hey, bartender can ya get me a drink?" Angel walks up.  And I watch Husk blush even more and fiddled with the bottles.
Interesting, he's behaving strangely, clumsy.
"Ya good Husky?" Angel asked.

"Yeah fine. Here's your drink." He turns back to me,
"You should go talk to Charlie, I can't help you."

"Mmm, you've been a good help, more than you know." I walk away in search of Charlie.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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