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"Mr. Shirogane I want you to train the new cadets."

"Yes sir." He salutes Iverson and heads off to the training field.

"Alright cadets, give me 4 laps around the track, then head over to the pull up bars and give me 20."
They all groan softly, to which Shiro glares at them.
"You need to be physically fit in order to be space explorers, it also helps build you mentally; body and mind need to be sound and healthy. Remember patience yields focus."

He ran more drills, showed them the flight simulator, and hand-to-hand combat.
The cadets thanked whatever gods they believed in when dinner was announced to be ready in 10 minutes.
"Alright, get some food you deserve it."

Shiro ate his dinner in his office while doing paper work. After a few hours he was asleep in his chair.
A knock at the door startled him awake, "Yes?"
"Shiro, it's me." He knew that voice.

"Come in."

"Hey Shiro."

"Keith, what's up?"

"You didn't come to the dining room, I wanted to make sure you were eating."

"I took dinner in here, I had a lot of work to do."

"I see that." He looked at the desk that was littered with papers.

"Ha yeah, I think it's time for bed."

"You look like you need it."

The next day, Shiro looked even more tired.
He stayed in his office trying to take a nap, but he failed and Iverson wanted him to do a mission report from last week that he already did, apparently he wanted more information about the situation that happened.

Shiro was making his rounds, people said hello, waved, or smiled at him as they passed by.
"Hello Shiro."

"Hello princess, how are you?"

"I'm doing well, are you getting enough sleep?" She could see the bags forming under his eyes, feeling worried.

"Last night no, I had a pretty weird dream. But I'll be fine." He fakes a smile.

"Alright, don't push yourself to hard."

Team voltron met up in the lounge, they just hung out and talked.
"Do you guys think Shiro is pushing himself too much?" Allura asked.

"He has been doing a lot lately." Said Pidge.

"He looked so out of it when I saw him earlier." Hunk added.

"I hope he doesn't get sick." Lance worried.
Keith sat quietly thinking before getting up and heading out the door.

"There has to be something I can do to help him." Keith paces around his room thinking out loud. "Maybe I can take some of his paper work."

"Or you can do something else."

"Woah who are you?" he stared at a scandalous dressed boy who looked similar to himself, but he had red eyes and horns.

"That's not important, what is, is that takashi shirogane is going to die." The red eyed demon spoke harshly.

"What? How do you know?" He panicked.

"Calm down, I didn't say that you couldn't save him."

"How can I do that?"

"We need to collect from him, and only you can help with that."


"I'm a sex demon, and I need his semen, takashi shirogane hasn't cum in almost a month. His sexual energy is so pent up its eating him alive."

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