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Stiles was nervous about leaving Danny with Derek, he trusted Derek but Danny was his pack member and Derek's already been threatened about how many are in his pack, what if the hunters thought he was part of Derek's pack and killed him, Stiles shook his head wanting not to think of that, the hunter had seen Stiles, and his small pack, and he posed no threat to them as of yet and Derek, he likes to think Derek would keep him safe

"Stiles" Derek clicked his fingers in front of Stiles face "Stiles I'll look after him I promise, if anything I will call you"

Stiles blinked he didn't think he was giving his nerves away but somehow Derek knew "was I that obviously nervous?" Stiles questioned biting his lip

Derek shook his head "no, no one else noticed" he put his hand on Stiles shoulder and squeezed it lightly "go home I'll keep him safe, I trained those idiots ok enough, even Jackson has it under control and I have a feeling Danny listens a lot better that Jackson" he said trying to reassure the younger Alpha

Stiles nods patting Derek's shoulder before walking down to his jeep where Derek's and his pack where waiting, Derek followed after Stiles saying there goodbyes as Stiles drove Scott and Lydia home before going home himself and Derek took his pack for a run with Danny

Everything was fine on the run, they luckily enough didn't run into any hunters, well except Jackson while Erica and Boyd snickered as they watching him fall from the tree he was hanging from with the string attached to his ankle, Chris just had a mischievous smirk and a not so sorry apology about missing one of the traps he set when trying to catch the rogue Alpha before cutting him loose

Derek dropped Danny off at home, he was glad when Danny finally got out of his car which stopped the constant flirting from the younger man, he put his phone on speaker as he drove back "hello" a sleepy voice echoed through the speaker of the phone

"Danny is back home safe and sound" Derek says

"Thanks Derek"

"Is he always so flirty"

Stiles couldn't help but laugh "was he flirting with you?" Derek grunted in response "yeah he's flirty with all the hot guys"

"I'll let Erica show him home next time" Derek pulled up outside his loft "you get back to sleep, I just wanted you to know Danny is safe"

"Thanks again Derek" Stiles let out a yawn "goodnight Derek"

"Goodnight Stiles" Derek cut the call then before heading inside, his mother was at his loft

He frowned at Talia "mum" he greeted walking into the loft and she frowned at him "you want to talk to me?"

"Who is that boy where did he come from" Talia asked

Derek shrugged he shoulders "he's a friend that moved here with the new Sheriff" Derek shrugged "Argent obviously doesn't see him as a threat either"

"He's another Alpha Derek in your pack territory don't you find it a bit strange?" Derek once again shrugged "you need to stay away from him while keeping an eye on him, don't get to close, I seen the way you are with him you are both far to friendly to just be friends"

Derek raised an eyebrow at his mother "are you trying to say that there is more then just friends between us?" Derek sighed "it's somehow comforting for him to be around, it feels peaceful and calm just having him near me makes me feel like I can concentrate, mum he's no threat, he practically submitted to me as a wolf the day we first met, I trust him, I don't trust his entire pack but I trust him"

Talia watched her son as he spoke, everything he was saying was either the truth or a good lie because his heart didn't skip once "I just don't like it Derek, if anything more then just friends and I will tear that boy apart, you already have...." she stopped herself and rubbed her forehead "Derek listen to me, the person I'm searching for is going to be someone very important to you and when I find them I need you to be ready for them" with that she walks out the loft before Derek could question what she means.

A/n Sorry this ones short I'll try make the next one longer, you probably already guess who Talia is trying to find

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