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Deaton walked into the loft to join the meeting, he raised an eyebrow as he looked between the young Alpha Derek and his mother "this is an unusual sight to see" Deaton remarked walking over to the table, Derek had called in hope to emissary could halp them "the Beta's seem less comfortable then the Alphas" a smile played on his lips as he walked to Talia and greeted her with a hug "I take it with you being here Talia the Alpha that is running around the town is not an easy one"

She gave Deaton a warm smile "he is not, and since the Alpha that is running loose is my responsibility I thought I should come and help put my brother down

Deaton seemed unfased as so did Derek since he heard it to be Peter earlier, Stiles mouth gaped open "Brother?" he then turned his head to Derek "Is that Peter the reason why you hadn't...." he shut up at Dereks glare and nodded taking that as his answer to his unfinished question "yup ok"

Talia watched as the two interacted then looked at Deaton "how long have these two known each other?"

"I can't say Talia, what I can tell you Drrek asked me to help the boy as much as" he didn't get to continue as Derek interrupted with a cough

"if you forgottwn Peter is out there going around killing people and I'm pretty sure that's more important then my relations with other wolves" he practically growled and Talia looked at her son with a warm smile before she started laughing and Stiles stared at Derek quite shocked at the way he was speaking to his mother

"yes sorry son, I will have a nice chat with Deaton after" she hummed turning her attention back to the meeting "as much as Peter is my brother, Your uncle, he's so caught up in revenge over what happened he's not going to stop till all those who where involved are dead" her tone was no longer soft it was one of athourity and seriousness "I was so caught up on searching for someone I cannot control him anymore the only way we can stop him is if we kill him"

Derek grunted a nod and Stiles voted in not saying anything since it was their family member "you still never told me who you are looking for mother, why?"

she scowled at him, like ten times better then Dereks scary intimidating one, it was almost like she drew a massacre at his words, like she has told him not to question him on this before and yet he still chooses to step over the line like he has complete control over it, Derek actually took a step back away from her almost bumping into Stiles "it's none of your concern Derek, once I find them, I will tell you then, don't ask me again" she flashed her eyes at her son and dispite his alpha status he cowered to his mothers authority

this made Stiles feel more uneasy then he was, he's actually surprised that he hasn't caught himself into a panic attack yet, Derek nodded "Sorry, I just wonder if I could help" when he heard the low growl of his mother he clamped his mouth shut and the beta all turned in away of submitting "warning understood" he muttered his arm was infront of Stiles protectively as Stiles heart was now racing as he stared at the Alpha infront of him

Talia's expression softened and she took a step back "sorry Stiles I didn't mean to scare you" Stiles shook his head dismissively "we should go"

Cora and Laura whined "but we just got here can't we have more time with big brother" Cora huffed out

Talia looked at her daughters then at Derek "Derek does the Argents know who the rogue Alpha is"

Derek shook his head "no he believes it's something to do with me, well Chris anyways, he shot Jackson"

"has he met Stiles" she glanced towards the quite boy stood slightly behind Derek and Derek shook his head "good don't let them meet"

"I have no intention on that since he shot Jackson" Derek looked behind him to Stiles "are you alright"

Stiles snapped out of his staring once he realised Derek was speaking to him "y... yeah I'm fine"

"I'm not even a werewolf and even I can tell you're lying" Lydia decided to comment

Stiles gaped at her "I am not lying Lydia"

Scott and Danny scoffed and Talia's younger beta's where looking confused at the whole meeting today, Unlike Talia they couldn't tell Stiles and his pack are werewolves thanks to Lydias masking spell

Derek stared at Stiles before getting stiles to look at him a concerned look on his face "I think we are done for the day" he said towards his mother not taking his eyes from Stiles as Stiles stared back at him, it was Derek who finally broke the eye contact when his mother didn't reply and stared at her, she had an amused look on her face as she watched her son and the young Alpha "mom please" he pleaded and she gave him a warm smile before nodding

"lets go then" she said waving towards the silent twins, enis kali and her two daughters as she walked out Laura and Cora both whining

"they can stay if you don't mind" Derek said out with a frown, truth be told he missed his sisters so spending some more time with them was something he wouldn't mind doing for a night or two

Cora and Laura didn't even bother waiting for confirmation before running back into the room, Derek quickly pushed Stiles back as they tackled him for the second time that night "we love you Derek" they both said and Derek let out a low groan

Talia smiled and signalled for Deaton to follow leaving Dereks pack and Stiles pack and Dereks sisters alone

Talia took Deaton back to the house they where staying at and took him to the sound proof room to talk in pribate "Who is that boy Deaton"

"A child who became Alpha far to young while knowing nothing" Deaton states as if it was simple

"what do you mean Deaton, Derek is never close to anyone other then his pack and sisters then this boy just shows up and they are instantly friends?" She questions

"they don't understand it themselves Dear Talia, they are both only ever close to pack and family so it seems but both packs have created some form of friendship, I will keep an eye on them for you but I can only tell you what I see"

"please do I'm worried about my son" Deaton nods and Talia shows him out

Trusting you (Sterek)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz