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they arrive at school at lunch time and Lydia, Danny and Scott are stood outside by stiles jeep "how do you stop this" Stiles asks and Derek looks confused "the constant need to be around the Alpha" he adeed

"you don't, the need is always there, it just gets easier to handle" he turns his head to the doors as they opened and his pack of teenagers where stood there staring at the camero "see, they can tell I was here and they are outside"

Stiles shakes his head and opens the door "I should, you know, I'll message you" Derek nods and Stiles gets out walking over to his jeep "shouldn't you be in school"

"it's lunch time" Danny replied and Stiles pulls open the jeep

"then you should go and eat" Stiles replied and got in

"where you with Derek this whole time" Scott frowned and Stiles just glared at him "He's not safe Stiles, I don't doubt you I just don't trust him"

"you don't trust anyone Scott, don't you think he would have hurt me already if he wanted to, he even introduced me to his family's emissary, last time I checked that was a good thing to know, he told him to help me and my pack if we ever needed it" Stiles started the jeep "I'm going home" the three teens backed away as Stiles drove off and Lydia smacked Scott up the head for what he said

Derek watched from his camero and the rest of his pack remained quiet looking the same way there Alpha was "Derek" Erica asked "why are you sticking so close to batman"

Derek simply shrugged "I'm not sure myself" he then looked at Erica confused "batman?"

She grinned and nodded "his favourite super hero"

He nodded "go back in and keep an eye on them tell me if anything goes wrong, Derek said before driving off

Stiles went back to school the next day, it was quiet in lessons and at lunch instead of joining the others in the cafeteria Stiles would go out to the field and stare up at the sky, Derek walked over and sat next to him  "feeling better today?" Stiles nodded "that's good, just let me know when you are ready to meet the hunters" he frowned and stood up "I don't want them hurting you thinking you are under the attacks"

Stiles nodded looking up to Derek before he stood up infront of him "Derek, why does it feel like I can trust you, I never trusted anyone but why can I trust you, my mother always told me I shouldn't trust anyone other then family and pack"

Derek furrowed his brows more "my mother told me the same, except when it came to Peter no one trusts Peter, I don't know Stiles, I don't know why I trust you but I am, I could ask deaton about it"

Stiles nodded looking towards the school as the bell went "yeah, thanks Derek, I should get back to class"

they stared at each other for a moment before  they heard someone clear their voice "you comig batman" Erica called out and Stiles and Derek looked over to her

Derek looked back at Stiles and squeezed his shoulder before walking off back to the preserve and Stiles ran towards the school catching up with Erica "yeah thanks cat woman"

"He's hot" she smirked and nudged Stiles, "how do you know him he seems grumpy"

Stiles shrugged "we bumped into each other in the preserve when I was looking for something"

She nodded and they headded to class, satisfied that he told the truth, it was the truth, half truth

they where in class and Stiles had fallen asleep with his head on the desk, he woke with a jump taking a deep inhale as the rest of the class stared at him "you alright batman?" Erica questioned

"thats a detention for sleeping in my class, Mr Stilinski" Mr Harris calls as he comforts himself back into teaching

Stiles groaned but nodded to Erica to answer her question "just a nightmare" he mumbled

Stiles and Erica was walking out the school when Erica's phone vibrated and a ping to signal she got a message, she pulled out her phone then looked towards the rest of the pack who was looking towards her, their friends looked slightly in confusion as the all nodded towards each other, Stiles stopped just that had him figure out it was probably from Derek which made him curious, it wasn't intill a text came through to his phhone he knew what was up, he opened his phone and read the text

I have a pack meeting tonight, your pack is welcome to join but it's up to you. Derek

Stiles stared at the text for a moment then looked at Erica then the other pack members, Erica gave Stiles a smile "lets go batman I gotta go look pretty" she chuckled and Stiles laughed with her before they made their way down to his jeep where Scott, Danny and Lydia where just like he told them, he didn't speak to them except at morning when he told them to stay away from him and meet him after school here, he just honestly didn't want to skip school again and get his father in trouble "see you later batman" Erica hummed and gave him a kiss on the cheek before running to her own car

Stiles looked at his pack "my house" He said getting into the jeep, Scott was going to get in but it was clear Stiles was still pissed at him so the three took Lydias car

Derek was at Deatons when he sent the text, Chris however was there so he was waiting for Chris to finish so he could ask Deaton about Stiles, Chris nodded to Derek and Derek nodded back as Chris left "is there something you need Derek"

Derek nodded as the door shut "yes me and Stiles are just curious about something, ever since he came for some reason I felt like I could trust him, something made me curious of him when he was a wolf, or even when he was human giving off no hint he was anything if the supernatural, he said he gets the same feeling"

a smile was on Deatons face, he opened the gate and gestured the nevous Alpha to come in "he can mask his scent as a human?" Deaton asked amused almost as if he had ignored everything else Derek had said, Derek nods "how can he do that?"

"he has a w... I'm not sure if he wants me to say anything about his pack" Derek furrowed his brows trying to figure out why he just didn't tell Deaton

Deaton watched him amused "I see, from what I can tell so far Derek you both seek and find comfort in each other" Deaton explains "unless i know more that is all I can give you for now, it would be easier to speak to both of you together to get a full understanding"

Derek didn't actually head into the back with Deaton, so he nodded before walking out of the clinic and headed home for the meeting

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