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Derek was stood outside at the edge of the forest, he doesn't really know why he came but something gave him the ruge to come to the school, he just stared at the school, he winced at the sound of the school bell ringing, signalling lunch, he frowned and looked around, just before walking away he spotted Stiles walking out the doors and heading to the field, he hesitated before following after the other Alpha wolf, he glanced around to make sure the rest of his pack wasnt following "you alright Stiles?"

Stiles nodded he didn't look at Derek, he knew he was there following, just because the spell stopped others sensing he was a werewolf his senses where not failing him, Stiles slumped down onto the grass and sighed "I'm great" his tone was emotionless and Derek crouched down beside him "just a bit tired I guess"

Derek nodded slightly "you look tired, but thats not what's bothering you, whats wrong stiles"

Stiles looked at Derek "sometimes I just don't know how to punish my Betas the right way when they do something wrong, and it's infurriatingly annoying when they stand against me, I don't want to attack them because I don't wanna use violence on my best friend and the boy I saved from a collapsed lung, I just don't know how to handle them"

Derek nodded as he listened to Stiled "run with me, you need some time away, you are a young person Stiles, probably the youngest Alpha I have met, I was surprised when I found out it was you" Derek stood up and out streatched his hand "no ones a perfect Alpha Stiles, sometimes I belive my pack only stay with me because they havn't got anywhere else to go and I sort of helpped them, come on" Stiles grabbed Dereks hand allowing the older man to pull him onto his feet

Stiles grinned at Derek "not so sour sour wolf" he said teasingly before running off towards the forest, forgetting about school and the detention he has with prof. harris after school, Derek let a small smile flash on his lips quickly dissapearing faster then it appeared before he ran after Stiles into the woods

Derek's pack except Boyd stood there mouths agape as they watched their Alpha run off after a small boy, A smirk crossed Boyd as he caught the flash of the smile on Derek "what the hell was that" Jackson practically yelled, "Did Derek just kidnap the nerd"

"actually I thing the 'Nerd' just kidnapped Derek" Isaac replied in shock,

The bell went and Lydia made her way out to the field in search of Stiles, she spots the hale pack minus the Alpha "have you guys seen Stiles" three of the Betas just simply pointed towards the woods with mouths agape "he went into the woods, why do you all look like you have seen a ghost"

"because we have" Erica responded still in slight shock, she shook her head and looked at Lydia "is Stiles some sort of witch or something" she asked seriously

Lydia blinked at her before bursting with laughter "he's something but deffinatly not a witch" she wiped her eyes and shook her head at the four hale pack members "we are going to be late for class, I'll find Stiles later" she turned on her heels and headed back inside, When she went inside she went straight to danni and Scott "I can't find Stiles and they asked is Stiles was a witch or something" She scrunched up her nose "and I can't find Stiles"

"Why didn't you start with that!" Scott almost shouted nd she hissed at him "you said you knew where he would be and class is starting, and Stiles is missing, we have a huge problem and your concern is that they think Stiles is a witch!" he growled out towards Lydia, She rolled her eyhes at the werewolf and walked away from him to her class

Danni pated Scott's shoulder "chill out dude, Stiles will be fine, you really should have some faith in him" Isaac came over to Danni and Scott "Hi Isaac" Danni said looking over at him before rushing off to class

Isaac tilted his head slightly then looked at Scott "you alright? you look a bit stressed out or worried"

Scott nodded "I'm  fine, just worried about Stiles"

Isaac grinned "he'll be fine, if D.... I'm sure he'll be safe" Isaac bit his lip and shoved Scott a bit "come on we are late for class"

Derek was running shortly behind Stiles, Stiles was smaller but faster then Derek but Derek still managed to somewhat keep up with him, Stiles slowed down after reaching the clearing they where only in a half shift form as he let out a howl, Derek watched standing not far away from him, once Stiles stopped he looked over at Derek "you alright?"

Stiles simply nodded his head "I will be, just needed to feel a bit free I suppose, sometimes it feels like i'm trapped with hiding who I am from the humans, my dad often forgets even though he was with my mother who was also a werewolf, but it wasn't till after I was born that he found out about the whole werewolf thing, when my mother called the local emissery rather then a doctor since she was sort of loosing control when giving birth to me" he looked up to the sky before flopping onto the floor with a sigh "she tought me control, she was an Alpha and had her own pack but she hid me from them, from everyone, she even hid my father from them, hiding makes you feel trapped but it's what I know, I guess that's why I didn't show you who I was when we first met"

Derek nodded and listened to the smaller Alpha as he spoke about his mother, he saw the boys eyes water up and it made Derek want to comfort the boy, his wolf wined and Derek furrowed his eyebrows at the feeling that was bubbling inside him "where is your mother?"

Stiles looked down the scent of sadness filled the air around them making Derek almost instantly regret asking "she was killed, that's why I'm the alpha now, I don't know who her pack was or if they are even alive, but dad said that by my eyes going red something bad must have happened to her, we waited but she never came home, we searched for her after and there was other missing people reports but none of them where found"

His eyes where tearing up and Derek couldn't take that anymore, he walked over to Stiles and sat beside him, he pulled the smaller wolf into his lap and wrapped his arms around him tightly, Stiles burried his face into the older wolfs chest and cried "knowing what happened doesn't make anything easier either" Derek cradled Stiles as he continued to cry "sorry" He mumbled softly to Stiles

They sat like that for a while, and Stiles fell asleep, his dream's didn't really comfort him, his dreams where his sweet memories of his mother but it just made him miss her more, Derek held Stiles as he slept in his arms, this made him really nervous and unsure about the smaller male, no one has ever stayed close enough to him to fall asleep in his arms, he's not even fully sure why he had the urge to comfort the boy or why his wolf whined so bad at the boys sadness, he looked up at the sky as the darkness slowly took over, his head shot over to the sound of leaves crunching under footsteps, two young males and a girl walk into the clearing "what are you doing with Stiles? what have you done to him?" the one with the longer dark brown hair said, only earning him a slap from the female of the Trio

"I haven't done anything" I glared at him with a frown "he's asleep all I'm doing is holding him, I don't care if you don't trust me, I don't blame you after all I am another Alpha and for someone who doesn't even trust his own Alpha I don't expect you to trust another"

Scott flashed his eyes at Derek and let out a low growl Derek flashed his back returning the growl and Lydia smirked "see Scott even a grumpy guy like this can tell you don't even trust Stiles who is suppose to be your best friend" Lydia huffed out at him folding her arms Danni remained quiet unsure of what to say or do

Derek head turned again "leave if you don't want the others to know you are the werewolves"

Scott frowned "I'm not leaving Stiles with you!" he almost shouted and Derek glared at him 

Derek growled "GO!" scott and danni whined and backed away and Lydia nodded 

Lydia pulled on the two wolves "get him home safe" she said softly before pulling the wolves with her in the direction they came from, using a spell to cover up their presence

"DEREK!!!" Erica called through the tree "Derek where are you" a hint of annoyance to her voice

Derek frowned "Erica just give it up he's not intrested in you" Isaac echoed through her voice as they walked into the clearing, Derek rolled his eyes at his pack as they made their appearence "oh hey Derek.... and Stiles" Isaac frowned slightly in confusion at the small figure curled up on his Alpha

Erica glared daggers at Derek "why do you have batman"

They all looked at her confused, Derek rolled his eyes again "he was crying and he fell asleep" he shuffled and got himself to his feet Stiles in his arm, he stirred a bit but didn't wake up "I'm taking him home" Derek said before turning away from his Betas

Erica tilted her head "you know where he lives, I don't even know where he lives"

Derek turned to his Betas "what is it that you wanted?" 

"we where wondering what you was doing on the school field with the nerd" Jackson answered and that earned him a slap from the female of the group, Derek shook his head 'what is it with the girls hitting the others in the group' he thought to himself, Jackson growled at Erica and rubbed his cheek where she hit him

Derek let out a sigh "I came to the school and saw him on the field.... So I asked him what was wrong and he took off the the forest so I followed after him with all the recent killings, and we talked and he cried himself to sleep" Derek explained with a frown "now go home, Jackson keep being a jerk and you will see what I will do to you" Derek finished then walked away taking Stiles back to his house

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