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Stiles  had shuffled a bit in his sleep, he let out a whimper as they exited the forest and clung tightly onto Derek, He looked down at the small boy slightly worried before making his way to Stiles house, he looked at the police cruser in the Driveway and hesitated before walking up to the door and knocking on it, when the door swung open a very panicked looking Sheriff stood there "Stiles" he said almost shouting before allowing his gaze to go to Dereks face a slightly shocked expression showed

"he's fine, he's just asleep" Derek said softly "sorry I brought him back so late he was a little upset and once we talked he fell asleep" Derek shrugged slightly, careful to to disturb Stiles as he held him, he didn't go into full detail but the sheriff seemed to accept what was told as he stepped away from the door to allow Derek to pass, Derek nodded and walked into the house heading up the stairs to where he would assume Stiles room was, guessing correctly he lay Stiles down onto the bed carfully but when he went to stand the Iron grip on his shirt did not release, Derek frowned more "Stiles, you can let go now" he said gently as he tried to release the boys grip

Noah had followed Derek up the stairs thinking he'd might get lost going to the bedroom, he stood and watched Derek lay Stiles on the bed, I smile tugged at his lips as he watched Derek gently struggle to get Stiles Iron grip off him, "that's not going to work" Derek looked over at the Sheriff a little confused "when he holds on like that he doesn't let go till he wakes up, he use to do it when he had small nightmares with his mother" a small wave of sadness came from the Sheriff, Derek looked back at Stiles and sighed "after her dissapearence it was worse he'd wake up screaming, he said you are his friend, this is the only reason why I'm trusting you Derek, because my son trusts you" with that Noah turned away and shut the door behind him and headed to his room

Derek watched Stiles sleep, he slipped his jacket off before sliding Stiles over in the bed and laying beside him, he let out a sigh and watched the boy next to him as he waited for the grip to loosen, eventually falling asleep

Stiles woke up to the sound of his alarm clock, he felt oddly warm but grumbled at the sound, he froze as he heard a groan come from behind him, it was then that he noticed he had to arms wrapped around him and he was being held against someones chest, Stiles turned around slowly coming face to face with a frowning Derek that was letting out a low growl, Stiles quickly shot up and gaped at the man infront of him "D... Derek" he stuttered out "what are you doing here"

Derek groaned and turned over to his front "shut the damn thing up before I rip it apart" he growled burrying his face in the pillow, Stiles quickly turned his alarm off and got up out of the bed

Stiles quickly made his way out of his room and down the stairs, his dad was sat at the table and his pack was in the living room on the couches, they all looked at him when he came down "ugh, morning? why so early?" the two betas and the witch gaped at him like he lost his mind and his dad got up and poured a mug of coffee "ok, what's going on?"

"why the hell is Derek Hale in your room?" Scott questioned a hint of anger to his voice

Noah passed Stiles the mug of coffee before returning to his seat, and Stiles shuffled on his feet "i'm not to sure of that either" he said quietly scratching the back of his head

Noah looked at Stiles and sighed "you had an iron grip on him when he brought you home last night, he tried to get you off but we all know what that grip is like son"

Stiles gaped at his father "you let him stay"

Lydia was grinning "you seemed comfy in the preserve cuddled in his lap" she chuckled "you both looked cute together"

"yeah that was pretty adorable" Danni said agreeing with Lydia

Stiles seemed to notice Scott wanting to say something but he kept his mouth shut so Stiles didn't push it, not really wanting to listen to Scott critasize him on his desissions "I spoke about mum" Stiles looked down biting his lip before taking a sip of his coffee "you should all go to school, I think I need to take the day off, plus Mr. Harris is probably going to be super pissed about me not showing up for detention yesterday"

Trusting you (Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now