I didn't know what to think, didn't know what to say. I could only remember the taste of her lips against mine, the fireworks that burst in my eyes from that one short and chaste kiss and her lovely scent - a mixture of vanilla and wildflowers.

My heart was pounding hard and my wolf stirred within me with a growl.


Belle, my Bella, my best friend, my confidant... my mate.

Everything was all too sudden. My mind was struggling to wrap around the news.

I couldn't think properly, I couldn't feel properly. My mind was in a blank. That was when I allowed my wolf to take over.

That was my first time and definitely would be my last. Giving control to my wolf was beyond dangerous. I shouldn't have done that, not even under the circumstances.

It was under the moonlight did I regain my senses. The scent of the woods and the feel of the cold air on my fur were familiar to me. Looking up at the moon, everything became clearer.

Belle was my mate and I was hers. My soul mate, my other half. And the most important fact that blurred out the rest - she had known for two years.

Two freaking years. For two years, she kept such an important news from me. How could she?

She knew how I felt about finding my mate, she knew how worried and scared I was, how much I wanted to have a mate to call mine.

She was my best friend for goodness sake. She knew everything about me, she knew how much it meant to me. Yet, she kept it from me.

How did she think I would feel?

Because right now, all I could feel was humiliation. I felt cheated, that she of all people would do such a thing to me.

Why did she lie to me? Why? Did she not like me that way? That explained how she ran away from me. Perhaps after a while, she couldn't resist what nature had planned out for us and returned. But she did not love me, it was the bond forcing her to want me and to finally tell me.

How could she do this to me? I loved her. I had all along. I just didn't know because I was scared. I was scared how that would affect our relationship. And most of all, I knew I could only love my mate.

But now that I knew she was my mate and I could love her freely, all I felt was anger. Did she think that after lying to me for 2 years, I would welcome her with open arms looking like an idiot?

I was an Alpha. I could not be weak, I could not let anyone know. I was no fool, even if she was my best friend and my mate, I wasn't going to forgive her easily, or that would only threaten my position as an Alpha.

Whether it was my wolf thinking, or me, I no longer knew. But it didn't matter, because when I get betrayed, I don't forgive easily.

Belle's POV

We sat there for a long, long time. After a while, she calmed down but I continued to  hug her, not wanting to spoil the moment. After all the things that happened, all I wanted and needed was my girl best friend back.

“I’m sorry, Belle.” She muttered so soft I wondered if I was imagining it. 

“I’m sorry for everything. For-"

But I cut her off, "Don't, Dar. If you want to apologise, I should be the one doing it instead. Because everything that happened was because of me. If I had not left two years ago, things wouldn't be in such a mess right now. I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. If I haven't told Adri I liked him that day, we wouldn't have gotten together and you wouldn't have left."

"No, Dar -" I tried to reason with her.

The Beauty And The Alpha-Beast (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now