CHAPTER 32: Son's Rath

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Deku's POV:

As soon as I read Kacchan's lips. He was completely turned to rock. Then the darkness that seemed like smoke turned to liquid. It was almost like squid ink. Then a voice enters my head.

"Now give me back my quirk son. So I can take over your young body and live off the lifespans of everyone you know and loved."

The ink thickens and starts to feel heavy.  With every fiber of my being. I fight back. Punching and kicking the crystal until it shatters like glass. The ink is still trying to cover me but I'm pulling it off as fast as I can.

"All For One what are you really!?"

His voice is in my head again.

"I'm sure you've heard of me before.  After all everyone has heard of the crackin."

"So I was right. This is ink."

I looked around and noticed that cave island which we were under. Looks just like a huge squid.

"Wait is that your-?"

"So you finally noticed my old body. I need a younger human like body in order to regain enough strength to grow another squid body. In fact I'll be growing my new form inside of you my son, and because we share the same DNA.  Your body won't reject me and go into shock."

It feels like a tug of war for strength between us.  So I pull with everything I got. Then right as I'm about to give up. I swear that I could here Kacchan yelling at me.


I felt like I wasn't the only one tugging against him now. Like Kacchan was helping me.  Then Dabi, Toga ,Twice, and everyone else giving me strength. With one final pull. I took his quirks away.  As I fell to my knees. The ink turned to water and the cave started to move. It revealed that this was the original island that our families came  from.  The island floats to the surface and off the sea floor.

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