CHAPTER 25: Help Comes In A Treeo

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Dabi's POV:

I tried to use my quirk but it wasn't working.  So we took the shells that the kids tears fell in as reminders to keep fighting. We split up and looked for answers. For about three years we were reading everything we came across until one day we found what we were looking for.  I yell at Toga and Twice to come over where I was. The only rock in this whole place has two names written in blood. Along with the details of the contract made.  One of the names was All Might. The other was All For One. We all started to read the contract outloud.

"By agreeing to this. You give the freedom of your people over to me. In exchange for my powers of quirks. You also trap them on the island never to swim in the sea. For if they do I'll take their remaining life span away for my resurrection. The only way to stop this and free your people is for the island to be under the water. However if they still choose to keep the power. They need only hold mermaids tears close to heart. All memories will be stripped away unless true love dwells within a mermaid and human."

Toga looked up in shock of what we found. When she moved her hand away from her eyes. She tapped my shoulder and pointed up. When I looked up I saw the crystalized body of All Might with a look of Betrayal on his face.

"Holy shit we gotta go  now!"

I said as I ran towards  the kid who saved me.

I had the shell as part of my lucky chain on my neck. Twice tried using his quirk while holding his shell in hand. To our surprise it worked. He had made four copies of me and we used my quirk to heat up the crystal. After awhile it started to crack. Then his legs turned into a huge fin. Which caused him to break free and gasp for air.

"What happened? I thought I was a goner"

"I'll explain everything later but right now we gotta go free our home from the contract." As we swam towards home. I told Midoriya everything. Then we made a plan for us three to sink the island while he tells his friend what's going on. With the shells in hand we could use our quirks and become mermaids under water. Even the crystal didn't try to consume us.

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