CHAPTER 8: Identity

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Bakugo's POV:

Once we got the merman on board the ship. I took him to the cells below deck. As me and Icyhot chained him up. He showed us his sharp teeth and red eyes.

"Fiesty aren't you? Don't worry we'll take care of you."

We went back up on deck and plotted a course to the cave island again. That night I went down to see our prisoner in order to ask some questions. He started to look sickly and his fin is back to being legs again. I had a plate of food in my hands to feed him ,but he must've bit one of the crew members, because he had a metal bite guard on.

"HEY! I brought you something to eat."

He ignored me and looked away.

"Look I just want information that's all. Once we find out everything you know. I'll let you go."

I take off the bite guard and tell him to open wide so I can feed him, but all he did was look me in the eyes and say.

"Water I need water please."

I tilt the glass of water by his lips and he chugs it.

"I hope that helps now eat up."

I knew that he eats fish because on the rock we found him on. There were fish bones everywhere. He was being stubborn and not eating. So I grabbed his jaw and forced his mouth open.


As I tilted his head up to look at me. I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was a mark on his neck. When I looked closer. I saw that it was a brand mark from the old pirates we use to surve. We all got branded but it was on our shoulders. There's only one who ever got it on the neck. Then it hit me why he looks so familiar. I dropped the plate Shattering it into pieces.

"No way it can't be. We thought you were dead Deku."

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